Friday, 16 December 2022

This week my Word of the Week is: Preparations! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


I have had a lovely week, it is always a good week when Stu is off work. We have cracked on with all the jobs that we needed to do, it's been busy but I feel like I am on top of things. I have about 8 lists on the go which are keeping me right. I know that Christmas is at the same time every year but this year it seems to have snuck up on me, a few weeks ago it seemed ages away but now here we are on the home run to the big day.

I finally got the freezer defrosted and we went shopping with my dad during the week, I thought we were just going to Iceland but he ended up taking us to Aldi and Farmfoods too which was a real treat although I have noticed the prices in Farmfoods have shot up since I was last in there. I got everything we needed and more, turkey, pork and lots of party food.

On Wednesday Stu and I wrapped all of the presents. Once I had got all the presents out and put them into piles the girls have more than I had planned. I've been telling them for weeks not to expect a huge pile of presents but here we are, I've overbought again. They are spoilt rotten. lol

I think I have done everything I can to prepare for Christmas until after the weekend. We have mince pies to bake, the last of the presents to wrap as I bought more while we were out yesterday and will probably buy more on my last shopping trip before Christmas next week, we have the big Christmas food shop being delivered. Eek! I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that everything is delivered, my dad's birthday is a week today and we of course have presents to drop off to him and his partner.

We were at the hospital yesterday, Ellie finally got her hearing aids, the whole appointment went brilliantly and Ellie came away hearing every little sound. I am going to blog about it after she's had them a few weeks but it has already made such a difference to her life. She can hear so much more and is shouting less because now she can hear how loud she was. lol 

I can't do my Word of the Week blog post and not write about the weather, hasn't it been cold! lol I feel like we're the only one's not to have any snow. They've had it in Scunthorpe and in Hull but in-between, nothing! We have had a lot of frost which looks a lot like snow but it certainly isn't as fun. 

Are you all ready for Christmas or do you still have things to do?

Word of the week linky


  1. Well done for being so prepared. I think I'm almost done, shopping is booked but I'll be adding to the delivery right up until the last minute. I'm so glad that Ellie got her hearing aids and they work so well for her. xx

  2. So glad the hearing aids are already working out so well; that is fabulous!! It sounds like you are well prepared for the holidays. I'm feeling very well prepared too.

  3. I'm still not ready for Christmas! I finish work on the 20th December and then it will be a mad rush to finish all the things I don't want to think about yet because I'll get myself in more of a panic! I have finished buying most of the presents ( I think??)

  4. So nice when you feel on top of the to-do list. This time of year is such a busy one! It sounds like you’re very well prepared for Christmas – always nice when the wrapping is done and the main jobs get ticked off the list. Fingers crossed everything arrives with your big shop. So glad that Ellie finally has her hearing aids and they’re working out so well for her. #WotW
