Saturday, 3 December 2022

Week 48 of #Project365 26th November - 2nd December. A photo every day for a year!

I have been in such a grump all week. Partly because I have been feeling rotten with this cough and cold, Stu was underpaid from work and the weather has been awful, cold, and grey.

Thankfully yesterday my mood was improved when my cough started to ease, the fog that has been here all week cleared and there was some sunshine and Stu is getting the rest of his pay in the middle of this month. They had him down as only working 5 hours one day, missed 2 days of him working and had him as taking a sick day. He didn't, it was his day off so he lost the attendance bonus as well as the hours. Whoever was sorting the rota and whatever for that week really messed up. It's all sorted now but it was a stressful couple of days.

Now for a photo every day.

Matilda movie and Churros
Christmas decorations
Tesco recipe and my eldest
Advent calendars and a little gingerbread man

330/365 - 26th November
Ellie and I went to see Matilda the Musical at the cinema. It mostly follows the Roald Dahl story with a few changes. It was really good and I've had the songs stuck in my head all week.

331/365 - 27th November
I got a Churro maker for my birthday and tried it out on Sunday. The first lot weren't great but I think that's because the thing hadn't heated up enough, the more I made the better they got. They were delicious!

332/365 - 28th November
Stu and I put the Christmas decorations up. We didn't bother with the big Christmas tree this year as we couldn't be bothered to change the whole living room around. We just have the little 4ft one. 

333/365 - 29th November
I used the Chicken stroganoff recipe from the Tesco website and it was just OK. I won't be making it again as it was pretty tasteless.

334/365 - 30th November
I love the way Becky does her Christmas shopping, one present for someone and 2 for herself. lol They have started to be delivered and she made such a drama of opening one. She was using a fork instead of a knife. lol

335/365 - 1st December
Our advent calendars. We have been lucky this year, well Ellie and I have as we have been sent a few to feature on my blog. hehehe

336/365 - 2nd December
A gingerbread man out of Ellie's Roblox advent calendar.

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  1. That’s so great that Stu’s pay got sorted. We had a similar situation years ago when I had just given birth to Sam. We were so stressed! We had a brand new baby, a mountain of bills and no pay for two weeks! It did get sorted but it took a while. Your Christmas decorations look great and the churros sound delicious. Good to hear that your cough is getting better too xx

  2. What a fabulous collection of Advent Calendars :)

    Good to hear that you enjoyed Matilda. I really want to see it!


  3. Matilda the Musical sounds like fun. The churros sound yummy. I'm wishing all of you a wonderful week!

  4. I fancy seeing Matilda as well but I'm not sure i'll be able to persuade N to come. The decorations look lovely.

  5. Churro maker?! I had no idea there is such a thing, for home I mean. I need to keep this in mind as a gift for my husband, who loves churros.
    It's great that the pay issue was sorted out, it must have been stressful.

  6. Oh the pay issues must have been so stressful. Glad it got sorted!
    I want to see Matilda, but hard with Minu. I didn't even realise Churro maker was a thing! Might have to get one.

  7. Christmas plans all sound good and I love Beckys way of shopping. I find those amazon parcels so hard to open. Shame Stus pay was messed around, glad it's sorted now

  8. Glad they have sorted out Stu's pay but what a hassle when you are already feeling grotty and the weather is grim. #project365

  9. Matilda the Musical is one of our favourites and we have seen it 4 times. I loved the new film, although there were some bits missing from the stage show. Hope you are feeling better now, the lurgy has struck us too

  10. Glad you are now feeling better again. We’ve not yet seen Matilda the Musical on screen although I have seen the musical in the West End which was amazing. How lovely to have a churro maker for your birthday. Lovely to get the Christmas decorations up – we’ve only just started putting ours up now! Becky trying to open a parcel with a fork made me chuckle. #project365
