Tuesday, 20 December 2022

My Christmas lists.

Last week was busy with Stu being off work, I made the most of having him home getting as much as we can done. This week should be a bit calmer but a lot of the things at home are down to me. What is keeping me going are my lists. I have quite a few on the go which are keeping me sane.

To do lists

The food shopping list:
I am getting the big Christmas food shop delivered later this week and I have spent the last few weeks adding things to the online basket, then going back and removing things and adding different things. It is one of the jobs that I really enjoy doing especially when I find new Christmas treats to buy. I will probably still be messing with it the night before it's delivered. 

All of the presents are bought, I just have to finish the wrapping, there's only a handful left to do and then I will have to drop them off to where they need to be. As well as the Christmas presents I also have my dad's birthday presents to sort out. I need to find some birthday wrapping paper, I hate the idea of wrapping birthday presents in Christmas paper, it seems so unfair to those who have their birthday's so close to Christmas.

Ellie has broken up from school for Christmas and I want to have some fun with her. She wasn't keen on decorating a gingerbread house but has came round to the idea, we're going to make some mince pies and Christmas tree brownies too. We will be having a disco in the kitchen blasting out some Christmas songs while we do the baking.

We have a list of films that we always watch in the run up to Christmas and we will be watching them this week. Elf, The Grinch, Polar Express, Love Actually and The Snowman. They will be accompanied by hot chocolate and whatever we've baked.

Christmas Eve:
My big list is for Christmas eve includes things like prepping the veg, laying the dining room table, filling the girls stockings, finding the matching Christmas pj's that we have, making a trifle and ordering the takeaway for after we've been into town for carols around the Christmas tree.

Other things:
As well as all of these things that I have mentioned I have my hair to bleach and then re-dye red, find something to wear for a meal out, do my nails, give the house a good clean, get the small fridge in from the shed ready for the extra Christmas food, catch up on the mountain of washing, make sure a parcel arrives where it should, catch up on the soaps before Christmas day, have a look at the TV guide and plan what we're watching over Christmas and finally have a nice big glass of Baileys when all of my jobs are done.

Do you have much to do this week?


  1. I did my nails yesterday and I definitely have to finish cleaning and work on food prep on Friday or Saturday but that's about it I think. Oh and grocery shop for the food prep! LOL.

  2. I love a good list. I literally have a list for everything! And a nice big glass of Baileys sounds perfect to me! ;) x
