Thursday 17 January 2013

How to cut the cost of your food bills!!!

This time of year we always think about saving money....Maybe the guilt of spending so much at

A few easy changes to your shopping habits can save you hundreds of pounds over the months...The average family throws away around £420 of food a year...That's £35 a month literally thrown in the bin!! Wow!!

Plan your meals. Writing a shopping list might seem boring but it really does pay to plan what you're going to eat. 
Check your fridge, freezer and store cupboard, so you don't double up on food you already have.

Get out of a food rut of buying, cooking and wasting the same foods by trying some recipes....There are hundreds of thousands on the internet....

Be aware that top-up shopping is when you waste the most money. Only buy what you really need not what caught your eye on the shelves!!

Try doing your weekly shop online....That way your not tempted to buy things you don't need.

Bulk cook and freeze - if you're making a Bolognese, make double and freeze half. It takes no more effort and you'll feel so much more smug and organised when there's a homemade ready-meal waiting for you a week later...

Ditch expensive takeaways....A supermarket pizza still gives you a cook-free treat but at a fraction of the cost.

Regularly check the dates of perishable food in your fridge, like meat, fish and dairy products. They're the most expensive items on our food bills. Be realistic, if you're not going to have time or energy to cook a meal from scratch that evening...Move them into the freezer.

Know your food labels

‘Use by' is the important one - don't eat anything after this date (although if it can be frozen you may be able to eat it at a later date).
‘Best before' is about quality control, not food safety. You can tell if something tastes OK to eat. One exception is eggs - don't eat eggs after the ‘best before' date.  
‘Display until' and ‘sell by' are instructions to shop staff about stock control, and not relevant to shoppers..

1 comment :

  1. Good post. very handy to know about the food lables.
