Tuesday 24 December 2013

One More Sleep!!

Are you excited yet? Are you ready for the big day?

We're just about ready!!....We had a bit of a blip yesterday!! Weeks ago I booked my delivery slot for the big food shop to be delivered.....I checked the bank yesterday morning and the money was still in my bank which I found strange....At 1pm I got a text message saying the order had been cancelled.....I was livid!! More then enough money was in the bank!! After speaking to the call center on the phone and them telling me I can book it for another day later in the week I was nearly crying!! They didn't know what had happened so started to come to terms with the fact I would have to go and do the shopping myself....

3pm and Asda van pulled up outside!! Could it be!! Yes!! My Shopping! I could of kissed the delivery driver!! He knew nothing about the order being cancelled and just think of it as a Christmas Miracle....lol I am! What I'm finding strange is that they still haven't taken the money out of my bank!! It was there mistake....Imagine if I had dashed out to buy the food shopping myself and then it was delivered!!

Ohh well! I don't care the fridge, freezer and cupboards are fit to burst and I have found my Christmas spirit!!

I still have to go out today to hunt down some Bucks Fizz....The only thing not delivered and a few other bits to buy....The veg to prepare and have a good tidy up....
The kids are just about ready to explode with excitement!! lol They better go to sleep early as I still have presents to wrap....Yes I've left some until the last minute!! Then hopefully an early night as Ellie has promised for weeks that she will be getting up at 5am!! Eek!!

I hope you all have a fantastic day tomorrow!!

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