Monday, 23 December 2013

Our Christmas Eve Treats.....

When Becky was about 3 years old I started the tradition of new PJ's on Christmas eve and the last few years they've had their PJ's and a dvd....This year they're getting a few extras....It's purely for selfish reasons....I'm hoping to keep them busy on Christmas Eve while I'm preparing veg for the Christmas dinner....

This year they will be getting.....

A couple of Christmassy books each and some craft sets....The one's I have got them is the Christmas Stocking Sewing Kits and the Crayola Friendship Bracelet Kits....

There will also be the Elf DVD to watch.....We have seen it before and both the girls love it but we have never owned the dvd.....Popcorn of course....You can't have a film without it....New mugs to have hot chocolate in and some chocolatey treats including the Snowman which I think is far too cute to eat...hehehe

And of course they will have the Christmas eve pj's!! They will both be getting onesies....Eek! I'm so excited for Christmas....


  1. Love it! We're doing this for the first time this year, and I can't wait to see their faces tomorrow :)

  2. Ahhh that all looks lovely. Especially the chocolate snowman - yum!! Hope you all have a lovely xmas hun. L x
