Monday, 16 December 2013

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

I think this will be my last meal plan for the year....Next week will obviously be a mixture of Christmas dinner, turkey sandwiches, buffet type food and probably far too much chocolate & many mince pies....

I'm so looking forward to Christmas....We're just about ready.....I still have ALL the presents to wrap which I'm hoping to get done this week before the kids break up from school on Friday....Eek I'm so excited!!

Last week the meal plan went ok until the end of the week....Stu was down with Man Flu and Ellie was sent home from school being sick on Friday so the Pork and Apple sausages with wedges got bumped to Saturday and Becky and I ended up stuffing our faces with pizza on Friday night....hehehe

So on with this weeks meal plan.....I will use the last of what I can in the freezer before the Asda delivery comes on the I swear my freezer is like the Tardis....Bigger on the Everything is going to be simple and easy to cook...Probably not the healthiest or exciting week of the year but it's all about simplicity....No faffing about this week!!

On the menu this week we have...

Monday - Fish finger sandwiches since I found 8 boxes of 10 in the back of the
Tuesday -
Quiche and salad....
Wednesday - Greggs
Sausage & Bean Melts from Iceland! 3 packs of two lurking in the freezer with some sort of chips...
Thursday -
Chicken Stir Fry....I have a lot of Chicken breast pieces in the freezer too...
  Friday - Freezer diving again! I have no
Saturday - Hot Dogs in buns....  
Sunday - Sandwiches, cakes, crisps....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky....


  1. I didn't know Iceland did Greg's melts. My son loves the Greg's version so I'll be popping into Iceland this week. Thanks. Marie.

  2. Your freezer sounds like mine! I seem to always find fish fingers lol x

  3. Next weeks meal planning would be quick to do; turkey dinner, turkey curry, turkey sandwiches, how else can we use the turkey? ;)

  4. LOVE fish finger sandwiches :) Had one yesterday, it was amazing!!
