Monday, 30 December 2013

Sponge Cake Gift Card - Review!!

A little while ago I won a giveaway on Twitter from @spongecakesltd I won a 'Cake Card' I thought it was such a great idea and being a big lover of cake I thought it was a brilliant competition to win.....

Sponge Cakes Ltd sold sponge in their own cafe and deli in Holt for nine years.....The reputation and following was immense therefore they thought they would share a bit of sponge with everyone who loves cakes delivered to their door.....A fab idea!!

As well as buying the cake cards which I will get to in a moment you can also buy fantastic, delicious looking full size cakes from £11.99, baby sponges from £11.99 & gluten free cakes from £11.99...If you cannot decide on a flavour there are sharing cakes from £21.98...All flavours in one 10" Sponge cake and pre-sliced into 16 wedges, so no arguments over who gets the largest wedge. You can even buy a subscription and have tasty cakes delivered every month!! 

So onto the cake cards....I think this picture explains it all....Choose the occasion, put a message in, pick the cake, add a photo if you wish and send!! It is as simple as that!!

When it arrived it was clear what it was....I was eager to get into it!! 

What a lovely surprise when I saw the cake! A special Christmas flavour! Cranberry and Orange!! Yum!! 

It was delicious! Just enough there to have with a cup of tea....It was so tasty, still moist and full of flavour!!

These would make fantastic gifts for someone who you may not get to see on their special day!!


  1. sounds like a great idea! I wonder if it will get copied...

  2. What a great idea - I know in the past I've pondered buying someone a cake but I've not known there favourite this could be a great way around that! x

  3. Oh I quite like this idea... some people are just soooo hard to pick a pressie for!... this could be one for those! :) x #PoCoLo x

  4. Ooh that cake looks yummy, I'd love to receive this through the post! A great idea! #pocolo

  5. Agree it sounds like a good idea, plenty of people I know who'd like to receive cake!

  6. A sharing cake is a fabulous idea. Genius!

  7. What an absolutely fantastic idea! Much better than your normal run of the mill card!! Thank you for linking to PoCoLo x
