Saturday, 23 September 2017

A photo everyday for a year - Week 38 #Project365

This hasn't been the best week for taking photos....I've had a lot going on which I mentioned in my Word of the Week blog post. Yesterday was a better day....No more dramas. Hooray!

I have managed a photo every day though...

245/365 - 16th September
She's a unicorn. hehehe

246/365 - 17th September
My teen had a pamper session. She loves a face mask.

247/365 - 18th September
She loves playing the recorder....Loudly!

248/365 - 19th September
Tissues. My teen is full of cold and shared with me.

249/365 - 20th September
I had a lovely delivery of flowers to review.

250/365 - 21st September
Tidying up Ellie's toys. At least one of them has a helmet on. hehehe

251/365 - 22nd September
Off to school. She loves a non-uniform day.


  1. I need a unicorn onesie!!! (I love a face mask too) x

  2. Hehe I love the face mask and the determination in the recorder photo! #365

  3. Who doesn't love a non-uniform day? I don't envy you with the recorder in the house! My daughter brought a cold home from school last weekend and we've all got it now, apart from my younger son. Grrr!

  4. Those flowers are lovely - a real treat. We love non-uniform days too.

  5. Those roses look so delicate. The face mask looks fun but I'm not so sure about the recorder #365

  6. I remember the school recorder days very well!!
    love her school bag.
    How generous of her to share the cold.
