Thursday, 28 September 2017

What I loved in September....

I say it every month but the weeks are flying over....This year is going way too quickly! It will be Christmas before we know it!

Getting cosy.

The heating has been on a few times with it getting colder and I love shutting the blinds and curtains and getting cosy! The blankets are out, fleecy pj's are being worn and lots of hot chocolate is being drunk! Ellie got her favourite onesie out and we discovered how much she has grown since earlier in the year....The legs are so short on her and it's getting tight. She is gutted. I will have to find another one for her for Christmas.....

Watching so much TV.

All the good TV shows are back and are in full swing....I am liking the Great British Bake off on Ch4. I will probably get lynched for this but I'm not missing Mary Berry at all....Doctor Foster has been fantastic! It's the last episode next week and I can't wait to see how it finishes. Saturday nights are fabulous again with Strictly. I think I love everyone on it this year and I am wanting Gemma Atkinson to win as she's such a lovely lass....I've also been loving Educating Greater Manchester & The Undateables too.

Becky's Birthday.

My teen turned 15 in September and had a fantastic day! She got everything she wanted and more....I still can't believe I have been a mother for 15 years!

Christmas things in the shops.

I love Christmas and things have slowly started to creep into the shops....The big tubs of chocolates, party food and I have been trying them all out. hehehe I squealed at my laptop when I saw that Tesco are selling mini corndogs in their frozen party food section. I have started buying some presents....I am aiming to do all the shopping online this year and want to get it done as soon as I can....

The kids going back to school.

I love them to bits but after the nearly 7 weeks of having the girls home I was glad when they went back to school at the beginning of the month. They have settled in well and are actually enjoying it so far. Ellie is loving being in Year 6 and Becky is enjoying studying for her GCSE's...

What have you loved in September?

1 comment :

  1. I've loved seeing my kids settle into their new school - one in year 7 and one in year 12. But I'm afraid I hate the dark and the cold! I hate shutting the curtains early and I shudder at all the Christmas stuff in the shops. It's been sunny the last few days and I've been sending as much time outside as I can! My daughter has grown a lot too (as has my younger son). They look so different from even a few months ago - where is the time going to?
