Friday, 22 September 2017

This week has drained me. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

This week has really drained me mentally and physically....I am so ready for it to be the weekend....Sorry for the moan.

Becky came down with a cold. Not a bad one but enough to pass around. I haven't got a full on cold but enough of it to know it's there and to make me feel tired and achy.

On Monday Ellie started at the football after school club....She absolutely loves it! We did have a mix up on Monday though. I didn't know football club was on and she had got a place. There had been no letters about it so I went to pick her up at 3pm only to be told she was playing football. lol There was another school run later on....

The builders have been back working next door.....Drilling, hammering and some more drilling.....I know work has to be done but it has really done my head in. I haven't been able to concentrate on anything and have had a couple of days with a sore head. I am blaming them and not my cold...

On Wednesday we had a visit to the hospital to see whether Ellie has ADHD or not.....It doesn't look like she does but some sort of Autism was mentioned. There was so much to take in but we are being referred to other people and there is someone coming into her school to observe her in the classroom and at playtime....Her teacher has already got some learning support in for her so things are moving forward in a positive way. Her teacher is amazing. She has been such a great support.

Then yesterday was a new day with a new drama which I'm not going to talk about yet. It's no big secret. I spoke about it on a blogging group on Facebook but at the moment it isn't the right time to speak about it on here. Sorry to be all cryptic but when I do tell the story you will understand why....We're all OK so there's nothing to worry about.

So there's my big moan.....This week has been rubbish but it has shown me there is a lot of people there to support me and my family in different ways.....


  1. Sorry you've had a bad week x Do talk to people about Becky, that group on FB I asked you to join offer much more help than just blogging, there are a lot of people who have been in your position and can help or just listen to you. I do hope things get better for you and you have a nice relaxing weekend xx

    1. Thank you! I posted a message on there earlier. They are such a supportive bunch. Today has been a lovely relaxing day and I'm hoping the same for the weekend x

  2. What a week. I think the builders drilling next door would have been enough for me. Sounds like you are getting the help you need. There are so many good people out there, that do their job well. Hope the other problem is sorted soon. #wotw

    1. Thank you! It seems like everything is getting sorted. Phew x

  3. That does sound utterly draining, and the noise and cold just wear you down, don't they? Good to know you've plenty of support, hope the new drama all ends well x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. I think if the drilling hadn't have been going on I would have been fine. lol It just took my last bit of patience I had. lol Thank you x

  4. I am sorry you having a rough week and I hope you feel better soon X #wotw

    1. Thank you! I'm starting to feel better. Today has been a good day x

  5. I'm sorry you've had such a rubbish week. Having a cold always compounds matters as well doesn't it. I'm glad Ellie has got a referral. Autism and aspergers can be harder to diagnoses in girls because they don't always present the same way as boys. I think they learn to mask their symptoms to a degree so it is not always picked up promptly. I hope you all get answers soon x

    1. Thank you! Yes, that's exactly what the school nurse said about girls being harder to diagnose. We're getting there though. x

  6. As others have said girls with autism are different to boys with autism and even then there are marked differences between each case. It's a long process but it sounds like her teacher is very supportive - which makes a huge difference

  7. Oh dear, what a week! I am feeling totally drained as well by the end of this week. I bet my guys will be up early, since it's Saturday. :) Sorry to hear about colds and horrible drilling works next door, that would drive me nuts completely. Hope you get the right answers regarding possible autism diagnosis for Ellie.

  8. Some weeks are just rubbish aren't they, certainly doesn't help when you are feeling under the weather to. I hope next week is a better one for you x #WotW

  9. I hate weeks where everything seems to happen at once, I bet you're exhausted. Hope you have a relaxing weekend, recharge your batteries x

  10. That sounds like a really tough week for you. But it's great to hear that Ellie is getting support at school. Hope things pick up for you all next week.

  11. Sorry to read that it has been rather a draining week for you. It's great that you feel you've got loved ones and support from others to get you through. #WotW

  12. So sorry that you have had a tough week Kim and hope that this week has been a much better one for you all. Glad that you are getting some support with Ellie and that she is enjoying football club. Hope Becky's cold is better now too x
