Friday, 15 September 2017

Working hard. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week could have easily have been School again but I have decided to go with:

The kids have really settled back into school now and have been working hard...We are in more of a routine and on Monday my fella went back to work after having two weeks off for his holidays....It has been really strange being home alone but it means I have been able to catch up on the housework.

Becky is loving school....Really loving it. She is finding the subjects so interesting. Since choosing her GCSE's she has dropped things like cooking, art, drama, history and music which she hated. Now she is just focusing on subjects she enjoys she seems to have really knuckled down....

She brought home two pieces of homework on Tuesday. I made her do it straight away. It was a bit of a shock to her. All the way through year 8 & 9 she hasn't had much at all. Maybe one piece a month at the most....I hope this is the start of her getting more homework. It at least gives me an idea of what she is learning at school....Her Geography homework was about Earthquakes and tectonic plates! Google came in very handy....She was stuck on one question and I didn't have a clue....Eek!

Ellie is doing great too.....As she is in year 6 children in her class get to be peer mentors, house captains and have other little jobs. On Wednesday Ellie stood up in front of the whole school and read a speech that she had written herself about why she wanted to be a house captain....I never heard or saw her do this but she did tell me all about it....I am so ruddy proud of her. Today we find out who will be the house captains. I am keeping my fingers crossed for her but even if she doesn't get the job it is still such a great achievement.

Ellie is going to be busy this term. Over the past week she has joined 2 clubs. The recorder club. She gets her own recorder to bring home. Oh, joy! I suppose it can't be any worse than the trombone she played last year and she signed up to the choir again which she has done for a while and loves....She has also put her name down for Football club. She has never really been interested in football. I think she just likes after school I don't know if she will get into that as it's open to a few year groups and there is only 35 places and it seems all the boys have put their names down.


  1. So glad that focusing on the subjects she is interested in is helping Becky enjoy school more. Good luck to Ellie with finding out whether she has been picked as a house captain and well done to her for writing her speech and giving it :-) #WotW

  2. It's great being back in a routine isn't it. It's so much easier to learn about the things that really interest you, hope Becky enjoys doing her GCSE's. Well done to Ellie I hope she gets elected, she certainly sounds like she's prepared. Have a lovely weekend x

  3. It's great that the girls have settled back into the school routine. My three have homework but it's a real pain getting them to do it. I think I may have to get tough on them this year! I hope Ellie enjoys her clubs x

  4. We've had speeches for house captains too. Youngest is house captian this year, which he's pleased about. Glad Becky is loving her new subjects. I'm getting pushy about the older two doing homework when it is set. Last minute is not happening this year. Hope Ellie gets into her football club.#wotw

  5. Sounds like both girls are really enjoying school and are working hard. it's great that Becky is enjoying her subjects so much and well done to Ellie for going for house captain. My girl found out this week she's going to start playing the guitar, I hope the practice sessions are relatively peaceful! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  6. I love that Becky is enjoying her new subjects. I must admit I loved my GCSE projects. I really hope Ellie gets class captain. It sounds like a positive start to the school year #WotW

  7. I thibk it makes a huge difference if you enjoy a subject. Glad that everything is going well X #wotw

  8. This is a great year, isn't it. My middle boy has loved the change of pace and subjects x
