Tuesday, 12 September 2017

FabLab Bath Bombs Kit - Review!

Recently we were send a few products when I wrote a blog post about the website what2buy4kids. My girls love bath bombs so the FabLab Bath Bombs Kit seemed perfect for them. Making bath bombs was something on our bucket list for the summer and we managed to squeeze it in just before they went back to school....

Kids love bath bombs and what could be more fun than making your own? With this cool kit, kids can tailor-make their own bath bombs, choosing their favourite colours and fragrances to make personalised bombs for their bath. Inside the box you'll find everything needed to make up to 12 bath bombs. The kit includes the fizzy component that makes bath bombs so exciting plus fragrance and colouring. There's also a bath bomb mould to make the iconic bomb shape plus all the accessories needed to create your own bath bomb mini factory. The kit also includes wrapping paper, ribbons and gift tags so kids can give away their creations as gifts for friends and family and comes complete with a step by step guide on how to make the bath bombs. 

We opened the kit and everything looked great....I realised there was no fragrance. That is not included even though on the what2buy4kids website it says it is but on the upside there is 2 bath bomb moulds...I expected there to be only one.

 I read the instructions and to add the fragrance you use liquid soap (shower gel or washing up liquid). We have some fab shower gels at the moment. Ellie decided to use banana flavour and Becky used Bakewell Tart.

There was 2 colours to choose from when it came to making the bath bombs...Blue or Red.

Ellie decided to go first making the first bath bomb. We followed the instructions, added the Sodium Bicarbonate, Ciric Acid and a tiny drop of shower gel and gave it a mix....It bubbled up but we thought we would carry on trying to get it into the mould.

The hole to put the mixture in is quite small and the spoon is quite big compared to the hole...Ellie struggled I could see there was no way this was going to work as we had made the mixture too sloppy. Ellie gave up and let Becky take over....

Becky had more success making the mixture and it was the correct consistency....Hooray. She got on with filling the mould. She found it a bit of a faff too. Well a lot of a faff. She was on a good 10 minutes, probably longer filling it. 

We then open the mould and this happened. It came in two halves....We read the instructions and realised we had packed it in too tightly. We tried 3 times and the same thing happened.

I tried again myself and I tried using washing up liquid and it made no difference....We could just not get a whole bath bomb....

It is such a shame that this didn't work out because we love bath bombs so much. Getting the exact consistency and filling the mould exactly right just takes the fun out of what could have been a great activity.

I would say save your money and just buy some ready made bath bombs.

Since trying this kit I have read some reviews on Amazon and it seems a lot of people have had problems with this kit too.

We were sent this free of charge for our honest review. This is it.


  1. What a disappointment from something that sounds so promising. #triedtested

  2. Oh no! We have had bath bomb kits before that have been fine - they are tricky in those little balls though. #triedtested

  3. Oh that is a real shame as it sounds like such a good idea! Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested
