Monday 24 August 2020

Our weekly meal plan! 24th - 30th August. #MealPlanningMonday

This is the last full week of August! How did that happen? It won't be long now until the kids are back at school and college. I am trying not to let it worry me but it certainly will be a big change after them being at home for so long.

Last weeks meal plan went well. We ate everything but did swap a couple of meals around. We got the shopping delivered on Friday and as much as I do like weeks where we give it a miss and eat what we have in like last week I do prefer having more of a choice of fresh food and treats. 

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Chicken fajitas (again).
Tuesday - Pork & apple sausages with potato wedges.
ThursdaySpaghetti bolognese and garlic bread.
Friday - Leftover bolognese in wraps.
Saturday - A Chinese takeaway for Ellie's birthday.
Sunday - Toad in the hole, mash & veg.

What are you eating this week?


  1. Oooh I'd never thought of adding pineapple to fried rice but that sounds delicious. Hmm I could just eat some pineapple right now in fact ! lol

  2. This all sounds so delicious! Tonight we tried a new chicken/zucchini bake, tomorrow I think we'll have burgers and hot dogs, later this week we plan on cooking up some quesadillas, we'll have spaghetti and sauce one night and finish up the week with a fish casserole.

  3. Sounds like another delicious week of dinners for you! I love the sound of the coconut & mango sizzlers! Thanks for linking up x

  4. This sounds like a good week of meals. Hope Ellie has a good Birthday too x
