Tuesday 4 August 2020

I've lost my blogging mojo.

Maybe a couple of times a year I always feel a bit meh about blogging. It's usually happens in January when it's cold, dark and the excitement of Christmas is over with and then in November when again it's cold and dark and I'm in that in-between time when Blogtober has ended which I usually take part in during October and I'm waiting to post Christmas related things. This year it never hit me in January, it's waited until now to hit me and I am totally blaming lockdown. I knew this summer is going to be different but even the kids are feeling a bit meh about life at the moment. 

Usually at this time of year I would be blogging about all the fun things that we are doing during the summer holidays but the kids have been home for 19 weeks now and the holidays don't feel special now.

Don't get me wrong I love having the kids at home and they love being at home but they've been home for such a long time. The last time they were home for so long was when they were babies, before they started nursery. We've done most of the decorating around the house, all the gardening is done, we've done the fun activities which in hindsight I should have blogged about, the kids are bored of visiting the park and going for bike rides and most of all they're bored or me trying to organise and make them do fun things. All they want to do is play on their computers, the xbox and chat to their friends online. I keep thinking life would be easier if I drove but that isn't going to happen anytime soon. 

Some could say that I am suffering from depression or feeling low but I really am not. I have plenty of other things to occupy my time, it just seems like blogging, mainly writing blog posts is not interesting me at the moment. It is solely because I don't have much to write about. There is things happening in dad's life which would make a fantastic series of blog posts but it's not my story to tell and I have blog posts written up for later in the year. I really need to stop writing blog posts for December, I think I have more than enough. lol I am still loving being on social media, reading other peoples blog posts and commenting on them it's just the writing part which has got me a bit stumped at the moment.

This is why I'm writing this blog post. The best thing to write about when you've lost your blogging mojo is losing your blogging mojo. lol Thankfully I also have blog posts saved into my drafts ready for times like this. I have been looking around online and found a couple of tags to do, some news stories I want to write about and at the end of the month it will all be about the girls birthdays! 

I know it's just a phase, give it a couple of weeks and I will feel great about writing blog posts again and have my mojo back. It's happened before and I am sure it will happen again.

Have you ever lost your blogging mojo?


  1. I lose my blogging mojo all the time. At least twice a year usually. I am getting back into it now. Fingers crossed yours comes back sooner rather than later x

  2. I've lost my blogging mojo as well but I've been like it for a lot longer! I used to be the same as you and post everyday but now I really don't have much to write about. The girls are at the stage where they don't want their friends reading about them on the blog so I stopped writing about them.
    All my posts now are collaborative ones and I really need to get back to some personal blogging as well as recipes and crafts etc
    I just need to find some motivation first!

  3. Oh I know that feeling really well. I'm glad i started my other blog where i can talk about the books I've read and the crochet I've made...oh and it's all about being stuck at home..perfect for a pandemic, lol. x

  4. I'm sorry your blogging mojo has gone AWOL. Mine usually struggles in the colder months too. Unusual times. I reckon writing about it is probably the best first step. Have you thought of having a guest series? #mmbc

  5. It's not surprising you've lost the blogging mojo as there definitely isn't much to write about at the moment! I'm sure you will get it back soon.
    I must admit I don't have a post read for the middle of next week, which is unusual for. Hopefully inspiration will strike, but if it doesn't it will just be a quieter week on the blog!

  6. I know how you feel matey! It gets me at times too, especially the past couple of months. xx
