Monday, 3 August 2020

Our weekly meal plan! 3rd - 9th August. #MealPlanningMonday

Last weeks meal plan went pretty well. We swapped a couple of meals around and scrapped a couple but nothing went to waste as everything we put off eating came out of the freezer. I'm calling it a success, this time of year the meal planning rarely goes to plan with the weather changing so much and the kids off doing their own thing. On Friday we had a BBQ, we felt like we had to with the weather being so nice and timed it just right. Just as we had finished a storm started. 

We don't have any big plans for this week. The kids are going to go off to my dad's to earn some pocket money. He has gardening which needs doing and some odd jobs and he could use his time other ways and get the kids to do those jobs. Ellie has realised that if she works she will get paid. I've been telling her that for years but it has taken a while to sink in. lol

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Lasagne, garlic bread and salad.
Tuesday - Sausage casserole & mash. 
Wednesday - Hawaiian pasta salad.
Thursday - Chicken salad with new potatoes.
Friday - Home made fish, chips and mushy peas.
Saturday - Sticky 5 Spice Gammon and noodles with prawn crackers and spring rolls.
Sunday - Cottage pie.

What are you eating this week?


  1. We're the same here. I always plan meals but they're subject to change, if we end up going out or doing other things. The Hawaiian pasta salad sounds interesting - I'm off to have a look :)

  2. Sounds like a yummy meal plan! Ours is getting a bit repetitive each week! #mmbc

  3. Sounds like a lovely meal plan! It's hard during the hotter weather isn't it! I find it easiest to stick to a meal plan in Winter!

  4. ohh lovely food as always and the sticky five spice gammon sounds lovely x

  5. I love the good mix of meals you've got planned, and now I really want a lasagne! x
