Friday, 6 May 2022

This week my Word of the Week is: Plans! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


This past week has been a pretty exciting one. Lots of plans have been made and I can't wait for the things we have planned to happen.

I had a whole paragraph written here about Becky's plans but I had to delete it as we had a few dramas yesterday which means her plans have changed. We're all OK, it's just issues in her life, she's fine but I'm not going to go into it. Her dramas resulted in her cancelling a holiday that she had only booked over the weekend. Ugh! That was a drama in it's self, booking a holiday is easy, cancelling it not so much. Thankfully she has got all of her money back. Phew!

A few weeks ago Stu was somewhere and jokingly asked if there was any jobs going and they said yes and told him to put an application in. He must have made a good impression when he was telling them how to do their job. hehehe Realistically he didn't expect to hear back but one of the area managers rang on Wednesday and said they don't have the specific job he wanted but they have similar and could he go in for an interview!! Eek! We have been planning and seeing if this new job will work around the job he already has, it will and his current employer has said go for it. It's not many hours but enough to make a big difference to our life. We spent a little while planning what bus to get and at what time. There are a couple of bus companies here so we had to make sure our plan of getting a day rider pass would work and be worth it. It would, phew!

I have been making plans for Stu's birthday. When it was my 40th he got me 40 presents and I am planning on doing the same for his birthday in a few months but I have to get 50 presents with it being his 50th. Eek! I am also thinking about taking him away for the night. I have an idea of where to go but just need to see if we can afford it and make sure Becky isn't at work as she will be babysitting Ellie. It seems strange thinking that I could leave the kids home alone, Becky is nearly 20 so more than capable of keeping an eye on Ellie and we wouldn't be going far.

Ellie has started to make plans for her birthday too which is during the summer holidays. She has started with the lists of things that she wants and we're planning a night away in Hull just so we can go to the all you can eat place on an evening. The buses to get home are rubbish on an evening so staying over would be a treat and more convenient. We have also said she can invite a couple of friends to sleep over and they can camp out in the garden, depending on the weather. 

 How has your week been? I hope you've had a good one.

Word of the Week linky


  1. Lots of Lovely plans, I really enjoy planning fun things. I'm so sorry Becky has had to cancel her holiday, I hope she's ok. She's more than capable of looking after Ellie so I hope you and and Stu get a fantastic night away, what a treat! xx

  2. What a lovely list of plans! I do hope things go well with all of them. sorry about the cancelled holiday and I hope Stu likes his new job. Have fun planning that birthday and 50 gifts!

  3. We've been busy making plans too! I spent my whole week working with a travel agent to plan a Disney/ Universal vacation in Florida for the whole family. It was so stressful but I think we're set. Our boys all stayed home alone last year when my husband and I went away for the weekend (it was just 2 hours away) and they were great; but man it was such a weird feeling knowing they were home alone for the whole weekend!

  4. Lovely to have plans to look forward to. Sorry to hear that Becky’s plans were cancelled, but glad she got her money back. Good luck to Stu with his job interview. How lovely to be able to consider having a night away for Stu’s birthday and knowing that the girls can be left at home alone. Ellie’s birthday plans sound lovely too. #WotW
