Saturday, 14 May 2022

Week 19 of #Project365. 7th - 13th May. A photo every day for a year!

We've had another weeks with it's ups and downs. Becky is coping OK with the breakup from her girlfriend, well as well as can be expected but the whole situation has caused some dramas and difficult situations over the past week which has caused a whole heap of stress. I've been trying to keep myself and Becky busy and we have been. I have been out most days and now I am feeling that I need a day at home doing not much of anything. Thank goodness it's the weekend.

Now for a photo every day.

Pizza crusts and my fella in shirt & trousers
Phone case and pool table
Workshop and strawberry plants
Overgrown hedges and grass

127/365 - 7th May
I had meant to take a picture of the amazing pizza that I made but forgot and all that was left by the time I remembered was the crusts. Oops. 

128/365 - 8th May
My fella had to try his smart clothes on for the job interview he was having on Monday. The trousers were a tight fit, he's not worn them in over two years. The interview went well and we're still waiting to hear something. The only thing that put them off him was the fact they close at 8pm which is no good for Stu, the last bus from town is ten past seven. Ugh.

129/365 - 9th May
Becky bought a new phone case. I had to take a photo to show her when it arrived, she was at college. A few days later she decided to buy a new phone and of course the phone case doesn't fit it so has ordered another new one. 

130/365 - 10th May
Becky dragged me out to the pub. Its free pool on a Tuesday so why not. I was feeling very fancy drinking J20, usually I only drink them at Christmas.

131/365 - 11th May
The chaos which is one of my dad's workshops. He could send me in there to look for something which I would never find but he could go look and find it in seconds. He likes to call it an organised mess.

132/365 - 12th May
I suck at growing strawberries. I never have any luck growing them from seeds so I bought a couple of plants.

133/365 - 13th May
I know it's No mow May but the council and really pushing it with one of the paths nearby. It is getting very overgrown. I don't mind the grass, bushes but the stinging nettles are very annoying.

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  1. Stu looks so smart! I hope all goes well. God, I think the last time Craig wore trousers was when we got married over 12 1/2 years ago.
    Your dad's workshop reminds me of my dad's garage, stuff everywhere lol.
    Love your strawberry plants, lots of yummy desserts for summer! xx

  2. My craftroom can resemble your dad's workshop but only when I am in the midst of a project; and somehow I do now right where to find whatever thing I am looking for at the time. Even from starter plants I can not get strawberries to grow! It's such a bummer too because I just love them so much.

  3. I didn't manage to grow strawberries either from seeds. Hopefully your plants do well.

  4. Yeah for strawberry plants! I do love fresh strawberries and you can't beat fresh off the vine.

  5. I've never tried to grow strawberries from seed but my strawberry plants from last year have been growing like weeds! No sign of any flowers or strawberries yet though! Good luck with yours :o)


  6. Stu looks wicked in that suit, shame about the bus time table, I assume it's too far away to cycle. I can't grow strawberries from seed either. This year I've bought all my veg plants

  7. I have never tried growing strawberries from seed! I probably wouldn't be successful. Hadn't realised it was no mow May. Sorry to hear there has been some difficult situations.

  8. Stu looks very smart for his interview. Love Becky’s phone case but annoying that it now doesn’t fit the new phone! Your dad’s workshop looks just like my father-in-law’s one – it looks like chaos too but he seems to know where things are! #project365

  9. Sorry to hear about Becky and her split. Hope you get some good news about the job and i LOVE the phone case

  10. We managed to grow strawberries last year and the plants have survived winter!. Sorry to hear about Becky's break up, I hope she is ok. I hate it when I forget to photograph my food when I've planned to! #project365
