Saturday 19 August 2017

A photo everyday for a year - Week 33 #Project365

We have had a week of celebrating!....My teen got her braces off, it was my fella's birthday and it was 8 years this week since my girls had their open heart surgeries!

Now for a photo every day.

210/365 - 12th August
Someone left the washing up from the night before so had all the breakfast things to do too....hehehe

211/365 - 13th August
The last day of Becky wearing braces.

212/365 - 14th August
Her braces came off and she had perfectly straight teeth!

213/365 - 15th August
The girls wanted to help wrap Stu's birthday pressies....I let them do them all. hehehe I hate wrapping.

214/365 - 16th August
Stu's birthday cake! It was so good!

215/365 - 17th August
I took this photo of my teen.....At the same time that I took it 8 years ago she was in intensive care covered in tubes and wires after having open heart surgery. 

216/365 - 18th August
Shopping delivery day which means new flowers.


  1. What a big week for you! The anniversary of the girls' operations must always be on your mind. The teeth look lovely (as does that cake).

    1. Thank you. It is one of those things which is always at the back of my mind.
      The cake was amazing x

  2. Great reasons to celebrate. Cake looks very happy, and a simple but effective design. I hate wrapping as well so well done for passing the buck.
    Hope the straight teeth improve her self confidence, it did for my daughter.

    1. Thank you. We certainly had a lot to celebrate. x

  3. Well done Becky the braces paid off. I love the idea of getting fresh flowers every week. A very rare treat here - I might treat myself a bit more in the winter as I'm sure I'll need some for 'photography'.

    1. The braces really did pay off. Worth all the pain she says...
      Ahh! The fresh flowers really seem to make me feel happy. They're only a few quid and get delivered with my shopping :D x

  4. Way to go a Becky, it certainly paid off. What a lovely idea of fresh flowers every week. Happy birthday to your other half x

    1. She did so well. I am very proud of her. Thank you x

  5. What a great week of celebrations!

  6. what great family celebrations you have had! I love the cake and it does look very delicious and fun. No braces must feel very liberating for your daughter . How amazing that Becky has come so far since her surgery - that must have been such a worrying time for you back then. But look at her now! brilliant x

  7. Oh my eldest has been referred for braces! Just waiting for an appointment. A fab week of celebrations!

  8. Love the birthday cake. I bet your daughter is so pleased to see the back of those braces #365

  9. i love that M&M cake, think i'll make note of the fella's bday and make sure i'm around next year for a slice or two
