Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Making Moon Sand....

Usually during the holidays we like to make Play dough but I thought this time we would try something different and make some Moon Sand. I had seen various recipes online some using corn flour, plain flour, real sand....There is so many but I chose the simplest one.

It takes just 2 ingredients to make Moon Sand.

8 Cups of flour.
1 cup of baby oil.

Adding food colouring is optional. We added it just so my girls wouldn't fight over who's was who's. lol

The girls made it all themselves with very little instruction from me....I was just there to keep count of how many cups of flour they had added to their bowl and open the bottles of baby oil....

The end result was a bit lumpy at first but after five minutes of playing with it, it seemed to smooth it's self out....

I sent the kids outside to play with it.....They could spill it on the floor as much as they wanted. hehehe They made pretend cakes, had Playmobil people in it and really enjoyed themselves.... 

Moon Sand was a cheap activity and it kept them amused for a long while....Well worth the few pounds I spent. 

We covered the bowls in cling film and the Moon Sand was good for another few days....

Have you made Moon Sand before? Would you?


  1. This is ace, I'm definitely going to try it with Ethan x

  2. This is awesome, I had no idea you could make this!! (Dashes out to buy supplies!) Thanks so much for sharing it xx

    1. I know. I only found out a little while ago. So simple. :)

  3. What a great idea. It looks like fun :)

  4. I have to try this, my four year old daughter asks for moon sand every time its advertised xxx

    1. It really is as good as the bought moon sand and a lot cheaper too. hehehe x

  5. Love this idea! Definitely one I want to try with the kids #mainylovessummer

  6. Love it! One to give a go and see what creations we can come up with!:)
    Thanks for linking up:)

  7. That looks super fun! Will have to try this out! #mainylovessummer
