Friday, 25 August 2017

Trying to find one word to describe my week was tough. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week could have been broken, leak, fixed, bored, deliveries or excited....Trying to find one word to describe my week was tough and all I could come up with was:

After the highs of celebrating last week, this week seemed a bit of a strange week. We haven't really been anywhere or done much but at the same time it has felt like we have had a lot going on...

On Monday Becky had her last appointment at the orthodontist to get her retainer. She has to wear it every night for the next few years to keep her straight teeth in place and it is taking some getting used to.

She talks with a lisp with it in and is spitting when she talks. Think of Sylvester the cat off Looney Tunes saying "sufferin succotash" and that is Becky....hehehe

For the first time during the school holidays the kids have complained about being bored....Earlier on in the week Becky said she was bored so I gave her some jobs to do like hanging the washing out....She soon found herself something to do....hehehe I have been letting the girls find something to cure their boredom themselves. I could give them things to do but I think it's good for them to be bored. They were never bored for long. They went outside and played, got the Lego out which has been rather neglected for a while and played together. I expected them just to go on their computers but they didn't.....

We have had a few exciting deliveries for things to review here on the blog....Ellie is all set for going back to school with some personalised stationery from I just Love It. It has got her really excited for going back to school.....

I am excited for the weekend as I've been sent some sparkling wine to try out from Premier Estates Wine and the kids don't know yet but we have some toys and gifts from what2buy4kids to try out.

At about 11pm on Tuesday night we realised there was a leak under the bath. There was about an inch of water and it wasn't stopping. We messaged the landlord, we could have rang but it was late and there wasn't much she could have done anyway.....We managed to switch the water off but it was still coming. It turns out it was the hot water pipe and after a call to our local waterboard they suggested letting the hot taps run dry....It was still leaking but not as much. We filled under the bath with towels and sheets and left it.....

The landlords husband arrived at about half past seven the next morning....There was talk about having to dig up the bathroom to get to the pipe but thankfully that wasn't needed.....

After a few hours it was fixed and I mentioned about the toilet not flushing properly....He said he would fix that too while he was here. It was a small job he thought....Nope. It took him nearly as long to fix the flush as it did the leak under the bath. Me and my big mouth. hehehe

We are counting down the days until Ellie's birthday (4 days to go)....She is so excited. I still have her presents to wrap, a cake and cards to buy...Eek!


  1. I could have gone for varied too. Why didn't I think of that one? Hard pushed to find a word this week. My teen has a retainer and always removes it as soon as she gets out of bed. She's been told that she needs to wear it at night from now on. Interesting that Becky's orthodontist is only saying a few years. I'm a great believer in letting my lot sort out their own boredom too. #wotw

  2. That retainer is cool! Mine was awful when I had one at 15.

    Corinne x

  3. My neices are always complaining about their retainers
    I just say think of the fabulous teeth you'll have
    Enjoy your wine

  4. Varied does cover it, doesn't it, a mixed bag for you. Love the look of the items you've received and at least the leak is now sorted. It's a week until my son's birthday, and I think I have everything but have that niggling feeling I've forgotten something! Hope Ellie has a fab day x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  5. I'm quite surprised, my boys haven't said the words 'I'm bored' yet! That week definitely sounds varied, or hectic lol x

  6. I love Ellie's stationary set. That used to be the favorite part of my summer holiday! I hope your bathroom is sorted out now #WotW

  7. I'm with you on letting the girls get bored sometimes although learning life skills like cleaning etc is also good for them. #WotW
