Thursday 16 November 2017

My blog is 5 years old today!

Today is my blogs birthday! It is crazy to think I have been blogging daily for 5 years....I am so proud of my little space on the internet. 

When I started blogging I just assumed that everyone blogged daily and that's what I did. I have a routine which works for me. I always spend a Friday evening writing up blog posts. Project 365, My Sunday photo, our meal plan for the week, any review posts I have to do and posts for the coming Wednesday and Thursday....On a Thursday I write my Word of the Week post and that's it. That's how I work. 

My first blog post still makes me chuckle and I love it. I think over the years my writing hasn't changed but the photos have. I cringe when I look back on my early posts. I didn't know you could edit photos. Oops....I have learned a lot. 

In the past year I have posted over 400 blog posts. Eek! That seems like so many. I have chosen one of my favourites from each month to mention....

November 2016 

Way, way back in 2014 I wrote a blog post called I have never....All about the things that I have never done that a lot of people have....It wasn't out of the ordinary things like swimming with sharks or bungee jumping it was things like eating a having Nando's or Domino's. I wrote an updated version. 

December 2016

We did just that....My girls love doing things like this and I love watching them. We will probably making them again this year too. lol

January 2017

I forgot to buy the muffins and the pineapple for the muffin pizzas so we had to improvise and came up with Bread Bun Pizzas which was nearly the same thing.....Sort of. Becky made them and they were so good. They are a quick meal and my girls love them.

February 2017

I can laugh about this now....Ellie did a bit of online shopping at Smiggle and cleared out my fella's PayPal account and half the money in his bank account....Smiggle were amazing and we had our money refunded when the items were returned.

March 2017

Ellie's toy monkey is her favourite thing ever....He goes everywhere with her and is a big part of the family. I had to write a blog post about him....I can't imagine that day where Ellie doesn't want him anymore....I think he will be a toy that is still around when she has children....

April 2017

I think Becky's room is the best looking room in all our house....This post was all about how we decorated it and it didn't cost us that much. She loves it just as much as I do. I just wish she'd keep it tidy!

May 2017

It's not often that we all get to get all dressed up and go out as a family on an evening....This time we did and had a fantastic evening...Of course I had to write about it. The girls seemed so grown up and it was nice to catch up with family.

June 2017

My girls argue a lot....They will argue about anything and everything....Even stupid things like who gets to walk through a door first or who get's their tea first....Eesh! This is the top 10 things they argue about...

July 2017

Sometimes we are sent things to review and we just love them....This was one of those things. Ellie had a great time with her newest Lottie Doll....It was a pleasure to review this! I am also very proud of the post. 

August 2017

Becky finally got her braces off after nearly 2 years with them....It is amazing to see how much her teeth changed. It was all worth it....They have given her a whole new smile and a ton of confidence.

September 2017

I wrote all about our summer holidays....We had a fantastic summer....It was nice to relax and unwind....It was the start of a new way of life for me....Where my girls need me a little less and a new life for them where they have gained some independence and grew up a little more.

October 2017

I wrote about all the reasons why that Becky my teen hates me....She's sometimes such a drama queen. lol I was very much like her when I was her age. In fact I think I was worse. lol

I want to say thank you to all everyone who reads my blog and comments. It really does mean the world to me that you take a few minutes out of your day to read about me and my life....


  1. Happy 5th Blogiversary! You do a great job - thank you!

  2. Happy 5th blog birthday! Always enjoy reading your posts. I remember Ellie’s online shopping spree! It helps having a blogging routine with posts doesn’t it when you’re trying to post daily.

    1. Thank you! It does help. Without a routine I would be screwed. lol

  3. Happy 5th Blogiversary! I love reading your blog :)

  4. Happy 5th blogversary. I can't believe you get so much done of an evening! It takes me days to write one post. Well done I love reading your blog.

  5. I can't believe you have been blogging daily for 5 years Kim, what a huge achievement and you should be very proud of your blog. Hope you celebrated x

  6. Hi Kim, congratulations for reaching your five year bloggaversary!Blogging daily takes some dedication, I'm just not that organised. I look for forward to reading your blog for another five years and more to come!

    Thank you for linking up with the #MMBC.


  7. Happy blog birthday, five years of daily blogging is an amazing achievement X

  8. Happy Blogiversary. I can't believe it's 5 years! #mmbc

  9. Happy Blog birthday! You always amaze me that you can get a post up every day x
