Wednesday, 21 February 2018

A day out in Newcastle...

On Saturday we ventured to Newcastle for an afternoon of shopping....Usually we only go to Newcastle when we have hospital appointments so it was a bit of a novelty going just for us....There was no rushing about or worrying about what time it was.

We got the bus and arrived at Newcastle at lunchtime.....The kids had been dying for a McDonalds so off we went. It was packed but we found one of the screens to order on and a seat pretty quickly which was amazing. Usually we wander about for ages trying to find somewhere to sit.... 

The girls had their own money to spend....Left over from Christmas and some they had saved since....We said we would buy them food and drinks but anything else they would buy themselves and it made a huge difference to our day....

They weren't asking for toys and things all day. There was no "mam, can I have?" or tantrums because I wouldn't buy them something...They were actually really choosy about what they bought....

We spent a good 45 minutes in HMV. Becky had been after some posters for her bedroom and found about 20 that she wanted....She managed to narrow it down to 3. They were £3.99 each or three for £9.....Perfect!

We browsed in a lot more shops....A lot more. By the time we had walked through Eldon Square (the shopping centre) I was ready for a sit down and a drink. We stopped for a snack which was very much needed....

We then went to the Disney Store. Ellie's idea of heaven! I could easily buy one of everything in this shop. hehehe We spent a good half hour browsing. It took Ellie time to decide what she wanted....She went with the set of Disney Princesses for £24.99. I decided to treat myself too. I had a Chip mug but it got broken so I bought a replacement. This one will be treasured.....

I couldn't leave Newcastle without nipping into Lush and getting myself a few bath bombs and The Bodyshop and getting some lip balms....They are the best I have ever used and I do really need them at this time of year....

We didn't get home until about 6pm....Our legs were aching from all the walking we did but we had a great day....

I think in future we will be giving the girls their own money to spend on what they want. We had such a lovely day with them not asking for things and they really appreciate the things they bought themselves....


  1. Wow what a busy day - love that the girls were careful with their money rather than picking up the first thing they saw.

  2. It sounds like you had a good day, I love the Disney store too and could buy everything in it if I had the money xx

  3. sounds like you had a fab time I would love to visit Newcastle one day x
