Friday, 23 February 2018

Lots of good changes.... #WotW

This Week my Word of the Week is

On Saturday we went to Newcastle. We have now changed the way we go about our shopping....This time the girls had their own money to spend and it really made them think about what they were buying....They didn't ask us for anything then throw a strop when we said no....So from now on they will be given a budget on shopping trips and they can spend it how they want to....It really worked and we had a stress free day....

On Monday Ellie was a little late for school. The bell had gone when she went in and then she went to the toilet and must have taken her time because by the time she had got to the classroom the register had been taken and she must have been marked as absent. At about half past 10 I got a phone call from the school asking why Ellie was off school! I felt so panicked. She was in school. They had to go and check. Thoughts were running through my head. I was thinking all sorts...Obviously she was in school. Phew! I was fuming at the school but they were not at fault. Ellie being late and then faffing around in the loo made her even later.

So we have made a change on a morning....We now get up just 10 minutes earlier so we can leave on time with no stress and then get to school well before the bell goes. It seems to be working well so far. On Wednesday she was ready before 8am so we sent her off to breakfast club....hehehe

For weeks and weeks our internet has been rubbish. The broadband has been disconnecting a lot. On Monday we had, had enough and gave Sky a ring. Stu spent about 50 minutes on the phone going through everything and the woman on the phone could see how many times it had been disconnecting and said she would send an engineer out...

 The engineer came on Tuesday and was fantastic. He looked at the box on the wall and said it was ancient....He replaced it and did his tests and the speed increased by 2mb and the line was stable once again....Phew! It was such a quick fix.

He also asked what TV package we were on. The original one. He said if you phone up you can get a different package for the same price with all the music channels instead of just a few and all the documentary one's which we didn't get....We phoned up changed the package and added the kids channels too for £5 bringing it to £25 a month. I'm sure a few years ago we had near enough the same package and used to pay about £40.

It was Stu's day off work on Wednesday and he decided that it would be the day we swapped the living and dining room around....The dining room and kids toys were in the front of the house and the living room at the back....Now it has switched. It took all day but I think it looks so much more homely now. The living room seems more grown up and less cluttered and even with Ellie's toys the dining room seems better too...I really should have taken before pictures.

Next week we are going for a visit to the local secondary school....The one that Becky goes to. Ellie brought home the letter about moving into year 7 in September and the first open evening is next week. Ellie has been to the school a lot as it's where she does the big school performances and she's been for Becky's parents evening's. It's not all new to her like it was for Becky when she had her open evening. It feels familiar. It is still going to be such a big change for us all....I will have 2 children in secondary school....Eek and the girls will be back together. I am excited but nervous for this change....


  1. Lots of changes for you this week. Glad to hear that the shopping trip went well and your internet is working well again. It is nice to have a change with moving furniture around sometimes. What a relief that Ellie was in school on Monday - I can imagine how worried you must have been. Hope that all goes well with the open evening. It will be nice for the girls to be together again from September x #WotW

  2. Lots of changes! They all sound like good ones, too. That sounds like a good plan on shopping trips, glad it's working x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  3. Your area must do their open evenings much later. Ours were in Sept/Oct with applications in by end of October. Second time round it is so much easier. I'm (fingers crossed) got three of them at the same school next year. You must be thrilled with your new internet link and package. Much better. Glad your shopping trip went well. Sounds like a good plan giving them each a budget. #wotw

  4. Oh blimey that sounds stressful with the school, but glad you have found a solution that works for you. I want fab idea to set a budget and get them used to understanding about the value of money X #wotw

  5. That is a lot of changes! I do the money thing with my kids, it saves so much sulking when they know exactly how much they can spend...although it's Star, the eldest, who finds it difficult to keep to budget! It's lovely when you have a change around in the home isn't it, it all feels new and fresh. I had a panic about the secondary school thing. Boo goes in September and we'd not filled any application forms or looked at any schools. I didn't even realise we'd missed the deadline. I called the school and thankfully it's okay because it's an all-through school. I only had to apply if she was going to go to a different school. It's all very new (And weird) to me. I have all three kids in the same school, even though the youngest is only 7!

  6. Nothing worse than broadband that doesn't work properly! glad you got it sorted. Madam goes to High School in September too.. it's a scary thought!

  7. That's a great idea about the money, never too early for them to learn about budgeting. I had the same thing happen to me with the school, the phone call terrified me as I had dropped my son off so knew he was definitely in ! Lots of changes on the horizon in September, the end of primary school is always bittersweet x #WotW

  8. Moving to high school is a big change but at least she will have her big sister there for support. Glad you got your broadband sorted so easily, it took us over 2 years to get it fixed with BT! #wotw

  9. I use that same tactic with my son! I give him a budget and he get to choose to what to buy. He sometimes want something instead the next day and this is where I get to told him you should have waited. Now you dont have any and you need to wait till next time till you can buy that again. I agree on its effectiveness hehe.

    Sounds like you have done so many things this week at home! Lovely changes! #wotw

  10. I moved up to Newcastle quite recently and it is such a good city for shopping, I'm glad you all had a good time! It's so good to get the broadband sorted as well - I'm in halls at the moment and the wifi here can be shocking, buffer, buffer, buffer!

  11. It definitely sounds like quite the week of change you've had - but all positive. Waking that little bit earlier in the morning can do the world of good for everyone's mood, and get the day off on better footing.

    A lovely week ahead to you and your family #WotW

  12. I cancelled our sky because the internet was so bad, I was so fed up of ringing trying to sort it out so we have wireless broadband, but its something you can only have if you live high up in view of a mast, although the mast is about 5 miles away. But hoorah it works, I couldnt even download to youtube with the sky, omg I bet you were terrified school really should have checked first before frightening you like that!

  13. It's amazing what a little change round of furniture can make. Having photos before and after is lovely for memory making but I understand how we sometimes forget to take them. #WotW

  14. Lots of changes for you and some of them quite big. Lots of people talking about secondary school now, everyone is growing up so quickly #WotW
