Friday, 2 February 2018

We've all been full of cold. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

It could have easily have been flu, cold, fever, cough, snot or tissues!

On Friday Becky came home from school sneezing and aching.....It wasn't long before her nose started running and she felt rotten.....On Saturday she spent the day dozing on the sofa.

On Sunday night I started with the aches and a snotty nose.....Becky was feeling slightly better but had got a cough. 

By the time I came downstairs on Monday morning Becky was dressed and was brushing her her....She broke down in tears because her hair wouldn't go right. I knew she was exhausted...I had heard her coughing all night. I sent her back to bed to sleep and rang the school....

I usually wouldn't keep her off with a cold but she was not well at all....She came downstairs mid-morning and slept on the sofa nearly all day.....She didn't even ask for her laptop or tablet so I knew she was poorly! Becky went back to school on Tuesday and was nearly losing her voice....She had well and truly passed her cold on to me.....

Tuesday was Stu's day for it....He ached, sneezed and snotted but didn't feel too bad....It was his day off work on Wednesday so I stopped with being an adult and was just poorly....I stayed in my pj's, had an afternoon nap and a long soak in the bath.....Stu cooked tea and just let me indulge in being ill....I'd like to say a lazy day helped but it didn't....Ugh! 

Yesterday was the worst day for me. I ached and just felt rubbish....I kept laying on the sofa and just resting and it helped. By about half past 6 I started to feel a little better.....I really hope it is the start of me getting better.

Ellie is a trooper....When she is poorly she doesn't like to admit it and is powering through. She's like her dad. She has a cough and a bit of a snotty nose and that's it, which I'm glad about.

Becky has started to get her voice back and is feeling much better.....I've told her next time she brings germs home from school she can keep them to herself and can be quarantined to her bedroom. I will send Ellie up with food and drink. lol

I can't remember the last time we were all this ill at the same time....The meal plan for this week has gone out of the window....We ate one meal the rest of the time we've eaten cereal, porridge, rice pudding and soup. lol At least the shopping bill for next week won't be too high.


  1. It sounds like you all had flu ! I hope the worst of it is behind you now. I don't think anyone has escaped the bugs this Winter. Have a restful weekend x

  2. Sorry to hear that your family has been under the weather, hope you all get some rest of the weekend and feel better soon X #wotw

  3. oh no! I hope you are all feeling better very soon. It is unusual for a family to be ill at the same time, it's usually one after the least you'll all get over it quickly. I hope you all have a good weekend x

  4. So sorry to hear that you have all been ill. Sounds like Becky's cold hit you all hard. Hope that you are all now on the mend and that you are all feeling much better soon x #WotW

  5. My girls brought flu home too. Only the youngest somehow escaped and I'm still trying to figure out how he did it. Hope you are all feeling better. #wotw

  6. Oh no, sorry to hear you've all been suffering. I like that you've spotted a silver lining with the food bill, though! Hope you're all feeling better soon x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  7. It sounds like you've had a right old week of it! Wishing you all speedy recoveries.. I did see on Twitter that you're feeling a bit better now, which is great #WotW

  8. Aww get well soon! I saw your FB post earlier, I think its Ellie on the sofa. Flu is just everywhere nowadays! #wotw
