Saturday, 10 November 2018

A photo every day for a year! Week 45 of #Project365

I have been in a right grump this week. I am totally blaming the cold weather, grey wet days and dark mornings. I do like the cosy evenings when I shut the curtains and we snuggle under blankets watching TV though.

Now for a photo every day.

307/365 - 3rd November
I found myself a huge bottle of wine which went great with my Pringles for Saturday night.

308/365 - 4th November
The usual Sunday pose.

309/365 - 5th November
We had a rather stressful time at the dentists on Monday. I have a blog post coming soon about it but the short story is Ellie had loose teeth which just weren't coming out. She was worried and crying but we know what works with her. Shutting her eyes, breathing and counting to 20 helps. Ten minutes after this she was smiling and laughing and carrying two teeth in a back to put under her pillow for the tooth fairy.

310/365 - 6th November
She was rather windswept.

311/365 - 7th November
I know I am not great at taking photos. I don't have a proper camera just the one on my phone and even that isn't great as my phone is about 8 years old but I was really pleased with this photo and the rest of the photos for my Baylis and Harding blog post.

312/365 - 8th November
Did we all enjoy our sandwiches from the Co-op? I loved mine. I would even go as far to say the turkey feast one was better than the Tesco one which I thought I loved the most.

313/365 - 9th November
We had a change and I got our shopping from Iceland this week which means our freezer is overflowing. 


  1. Hope you're feeling less of a grump now lol. Brilliant strategy for the teeth problem, hope the tooth fairy was generous

  2. Sorry to hear about the stressful trip to the dentist, but glad she was OK in the end. I think you've done a great job with your festive photo there! I'm not great at taking pictures either, especially not when it comes to props etc. I think I was the only person in the world who didn't get any sandwiches from Co-op!

  3. Wine & Pringles night sounds lovely. I hate going to the dentist, I actually have a phobia of dentists, so my sympathies to Ellie for having to endure a visit there.
    Haven't tried Co-Op sandwiches, but I do like their little sausage rolls. And their ginger biscuits are the best from all supermarkets.

  4. Ooh pringles, haven't had those for a while. We've got dentist trips coming up soon too. I never used to mind it, but now I dread them telling me N has bad teeth and even mine they seem to be getting stroppy about too.

  5. I could do with the wine and Pringles here! We loved the Coop package. The sandwiches were packed full of filling weren’t they #365

  6. My eldest is 8 and still hasn't lost any teeth! He had his new molars and 2 front teeth behind the baby ones like a shark! I think the dentist is going to reassess at our next appointment. #project365
