Saturday, 17 November 2018

A photo every day for a year! Week 46 of #Project365

This past week seems to have flown over considering I haven't been up to much. Pottering around the house and sorting out blog posts for December so I can step back a bit and have some family time.

Now for a photo every day.

314/365 - 10th November
I bought Ellie's Christmas outfit and it arrived. She had to try it on of course and loved it. It was a fight to get it off her. hehehe

315/365 - 11th November
I hid my cake that I got on Saturday from the kids and enjoyed it with a cup of tea for breakfast before they got up.

316/365 - 12th November
It was Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying Week on Monday and I joined in. (By accident). I always wear odd socks. Oops. Life is too short to find a pair.

317/365 - 13th November
I felt judged by Monkey for not putting the washing away. I did eventually.

318/365 - 14th November
I was sent a subscription box to try and was taking the photos on Wednesday.

319/365 - 15th November
On the computer.

320/365 - 16th November
My advent calendar.


  1. Ellie looks so grown up in her dress. N often wears odd socks. Their anti bullying stuff was quite unstated - I didn't even know it was antibullying week until Friday!

  2. Ellie's Christmas outfit is lovely. My eldest always wears odd socks - deliberately. It wouldn't feel right to me! Monkey definitely does look like he's judging you.

  3. Beautiful dress (and girls - love the candid shot of kid-on-computer) and well done getting to eat all of your own cake!
    Now I want that advent calendar, as long as all the windows contain the "purple one"

  4. Ellie looks so grown-up in that outfit. My Eddie often wears odd socks, as he doesn't really care, but on the odd socks day he forgot and was wearing matching socks.
    The Quality St advent calendar sounds fab. I think I need one in my life too.

  5. Love Ellie's outfit, she looks amazing in it.
    lol at cake for breakfast.
    hate grandson wearing odd socks when they are noticeably different.
    Judge Monkey, if it worked well done to Monkey.

  6. That cake looks lovely. My son had odd socks for school on Monday #365

  7. Ellie looks so grown up in her new outfit! Love Quality Street... #project365
