Friday, 30 November 2018

This week my Word of the Week is: Better! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

I was feeling pretty low for the first half of the week. We had the issue with Becky's job, Ellie was poorly on Monday, I was worrying a bit about money in the run up to Christmas, I was stressing about college courses for Becky next year (She wasn't worried in the slightest), Stu came down with a cold and I felt rotten too and on top of that the weather has been awful which has not helped my mood.

Ellie had a 24 hour bug and after a good sleep she felt better and was back to school on Tuesday. Hooray!

Wednesday came around and things started to seem better.

I went through all the Christmas presents and it turns out the girls have more than I thought they did. I don't need to buy them anything else. I ordered the Christmas eve pj's and they were cheaper than I thought they would be. I did a bit of budgeting and it turns out I don't need to worry about money. We have 3 more bills to pay this year, two of which will be paid on the 1st and then the rest of the money is ours. Phew!

We were looking at college courses for Becky last week and we thought with her predicted grades she would have to do the Level 1 Award In Preparing To Work In Adult Health And Social Care and in her 2nd year the Level 2.

We had her parents evening and we were all pleasantly surprised. Becky is expected to to way better than we thought she was going to do. Since her last report her predicted grades have sky rocketed. Even in her weakest subject she is expected to get a C or D which will do for me. She is working hard and it was lovely to hear all the praise she was getting. 

It means now she can apply to go straight onto the Level 2 course and then in her 2nd year of college do the Level 3 course which we feel better about. We are going to fill in the application form over the weekend and get things rolling! Eek!

Stu is still full of cold but I seem to have shaken mine off for now. I filled myself with Lemsip, had a couple of naps, took some multi-vitamins and had a lazy couple of days which seemed to have helped. I feel I am so lucky to be able to just stop and take the time to make myself feel better.

 We have a meeting about Ellie's suspected Autism today which should give us some answers. Since our last meeting I know things have changed for the better. Ellie is settled in school, she isn't day dreaming as much in lessons and has lots of friends which were our biggest worries. It will be interesting to see what they have to say.


  1. Good luck with your appointment today. It does sound like Ellie might have been going through a 'phase' and has come out the other side now, but it's always good to get a professional opinion. Sorry to hear that you, Ellie and Stu have been poorly, I hope all the bugs are over for now. It was a shame to hear about Becky's job, but she does have a bright future ahead. Sometimes we get bogged down with so much to think about and do, but then it all comes right in the end. have a great weekend. xx

  2. Hope all went well with today’s appointment. So glad that your week got better. Always good to find yourself more organised that you thought and to know that the money is there too. Well done to Becky for doing so well at school x #WotW

  3. Such a shame about Becky's job, it's never easy for teens to get their first job without experience, but at least you know she handled the interview scenario well x

  4. Your week did improve. Hopefully the new predictions for Becky cheered her up after the job fiasco. She sounds like she knows what she wants to do. It is the season for sharing bugs. Awful when in hits almost the whole household. Fingers crossed that it's gone soon. Hope the appointment went well yesterday. #wotw

  5. Ah Kim I have never heard you worry before I so hope you are feeling better. Sounds like you have all had a rotten week one way or another. And well done Becky it sounds like she is working really hard to get that jump in predicted grades. I used to work in FE and if possible going straight onto a level 2 is so much better for her as it not only saves time but is also much more involved and challenging than a level 1. But whatever she gets you know she has worked hard which is all we can ask for as parents x
