Sunday, 18 November 2018

Our high street. #MySundayPhoto

I took this photo just after 3pm yesterday afternoon. Our high street was dead. There was no hustle and bustle of Saturday afternoon shoppers, not even teenagers hanging about.

I read online that we have to support our local high street but it's hard when it's full of fried chicken shops, banks, takeaways, phone shops and charity shops.


  1. It is indeed sad, I can't believe this was a Saturday afternon, I do orry for our high streets.

  2. Sadly, a similar sight across high streets everywhere I think. I really notice it these days. Retail is struggling massively. Love the fact you've put this in B&W. #mysundayphoto

  3. Hi Kim, that is such a sad sight! I remember (a time before the internet) when Saturday was the day to do a little retail therapy and the towns were always buzzing.



  4. Wow, that really is dead for a Saturday. It looks like about 8am on a Sunday! I try to use shops rather than shop online as much as I can to support the high streets, but sometimes shopping online is just easier!

  5. Oh how sad to see a quiet high street, no wonder they are slowly disappearing. We’re very fortunate here, we own the towns local dry cleaners on the high street and there’s lots of other businesses too, sadly our banks are slowly disappearing though, the past 6 months saw NatWest and Barclays close their doors, which are both mine and hubbys banks (typical!). Lovely photo though.

  6. you can nearly see the tumbleweeds bowing past , but everywhere seems to be much the same . Theres not much spare money for anything but surviving im afraid

  7. Wow. That's terrible, Saturday should be busy in town, it's such a shame.

  8. They've all lost the buzz. Love the angle of this

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  9. Our high street is full of over priced independent shops that I cannot afford.

  10. Ours was packed yesterday when I was in. Our town is seriously suffering, not helped by lots of shops moving out to a new retail park which shouldn't really have been built as it's screwing the town centre. Not helped by 2 other county towns in the same district council who get free parking but ours doesn't. Ours has too many card shops, charity shops. Even 2 99p/poundworld shops closed! They're meant to be building a new 'cultural' restaurant, theatre area...with a Lidl (weird choice) in the next couple of years. But we've been waiting for years.

  11. Yep sad state affairs with regards to shops. However I do like the perspective X #mysundayphoto

  12. I can't believe that was taken in the afternoon. Our town has a lot of empty shops, years ago I found out they belonged to a London consortium and rather than reduce rent to make it affordable to locals, they refused and said they were happier to leave them empty. It seems there are a lot of coffee shops, take aways, hairdressers and nailbars but not much else...

  13. It’s crazy how much the high streets have changed! Retail parks and Amazon have taken away the market. Wish it would change back, we remember little New Looks and Woolworths :( #MySundayPhoto

  14. You really capture how sad this is with the photo.

  15. A very good point and reducing the cost of parking charges would help a lot also #mysundayphoto

  16. It's sad isn't it, but like you say, how can you support something when there's no shops?

  17. Retail stores are in serious decline and I don't think it will get better. Let's face it we all buy online for many items

  18. We had a cinema come to our local town, it really brought it back to life!

  19. I was in our local high street at about the same time and it was bustling. Not all high streets are the same, but sad to think even one is so flat. #MMBC
