Saturday, 24 November 2018

A photo every day for a year! Week 47 of #Project365

What a week! It's had it's up's and downs but we're back on the up now. We've had problems with Becky's job. After doing a shift at work it was discovered that she was actually too young to work for the company. You need to have left school to be employed by them. I have a whole blog post about it next week but we are not happy, it was my birthday on Wednesday and we've had boiler troubles for 3 days. It's fixed now so we're warm again. Hooray.

Now for a photo every day.

321/365 - 17th November
Her first and last day of work.

322/365 - 18th November
Ellie got creative with a tub of Pringles and made a circle. She did eat them all eventually. 

323/365 - 19th November
On Monday my fella and the kids put my birthday presents out. It was torture having to wait until Wednesday.

324/365 - 20th November
I have started writing blog posts for December so I can step back a bit and do Christmas!

325/365 - 21st November
Lunch out for my birthday. It was the Christmas lunch from Wetherspoons. I enjoyed it but I won't be having another one. There was nowhere near enough gravy and the mash was so dry.

326/365 - 22nd November
The boiler is behind this fire and it has caused so much stress this week. It was finally fixed yesterday evening. The ignitor switch was not broken, a metal pipe had moved and became disconnected so no air was getting to where it should. It was in a sorry state but the man did his thing and it's working again. Hooray!

327/365 - 23rd November
Ellie with her dirty socks. She was jumping in puddles on the way to school. I got a text off Becky saying she had wet feet. She wanted me to take her dry socks. I tell her every day to take socks or wear her trainers to walk to school but of course she doesn't listen. I told her to go to lost property or just get on with it. She got on with it and they dried. I would like to think she will learn from this but I bet she does the same on the next wet day.


  1. Happy birthday! That must have been torture seeing your presents and having to wait for them. Glad your boiler got sorted. I'm very impressed at you having all those blogposts scheduled! I was impressed with myself for having one scheduled for December!

    1. Thank you! It was torture. They are evil. hehehe x

  2. Happy belated birthday, Kim! Sorry to hear that your birthday meal was disappointing. Nobody likes a dry mash. Glad to hear that the boiler is sorted.
    You're so organised, I'm in awe. I haven't scheduled anything for the holidays.

    1. Thank you! Dry mash is the worst.
      I've got no blog posts written for next week but I am doing great for December. lol

  3. How annoying about Becky's job, what was she doing? Glad the boiler is sorted now and your husband and kids are totally mean teasing you with your gifts for 2 days

    1. She was working in a shop. At least the had the experience of filling in the application form, going through the interview and having one day of work. x

  4. love the Pringles circle, wondered what on earth that was. Well done on all the scheduling, I only manage a couple of days ahead of myself at a time #365

    1. She is very creative even when she shouldn't be. I am sick of telling her to stop playing with her food. hehehe x

  5. Glad you managed to get the boiler sorted.
    Happy belated birthday. Shame your meal was disappointing, hope you mentioned it to them.
    Shame they did not think about that before they offered Becky the job.
    Brilliant looking Pringles circle.

  6. OMG to the organisation of posts! I am currently doing the Blogmas post that was meant to be published 2 days ago! #project365
