Thursday, 1 November 2018

What I loved in October.

October flew over and it feels like we're hurtling towards Christmas. It seems like for all of October we were on the countdown to half term and now it's just about over. Back to school on Monday. Eek!

Strictly and X-Factor.
I love this time of year. Saturday night TV is just the best. I really want Dr Ranj to win, I don't think he will though. I think it will be one of the ladies or Joe Sugg. At the moment I am hate watching X-Factor. Nobody is really standing out as a winner to me. Guilty pleasures week really wound me up. Most of them did not sing what I would class as a guilty pleasure.

The colder weather.
I am at the point now where I am loving the colder weather. The slow cooker is being used a lot, boots are being worn and the cosy pj's have been brought out of the back of the wardrobe. I love shutting the curtains and getting cosy on an evening. Give it a few weeks and I will be complaining that it's too cold. hehehe

Chocolate Oranges.
I know you can buy these tasty treats but I only seem to eat them in the run up to Christmas. I was so excited when I seen them in Tesco for 75p. I should have bought more, the next week they had gone back up to £2.00. I did a happy dance when I saw them in our local Heron for £1. I bought five. lol

I have been following Big Family Organised Chaos's list of prompts for Blogtober18 and I did pretty well. It was great to write about things that I most probably wouldn't have. I missed a couple of prompts towards the end of the month but I have found a lot of new blogs to follow and reconnected with some blogs that lost touch with. 

Feeling better.
October hasn't been the best month health wise. Ellie had a tummy bug, I think food poisoning and then a sore throat and Becky had a cold which amazingly she kept to herself. It seems now they are both fighting fit again. I think a few lazy days during half term helped! 

We reviewed a few sets throughout October and Ellie loved it. She was really taken with the Gel-A-Peel Fashion Maker and I will be buying refills so she can decorate more t-shirts.

Instagram Stories.
Watching not doing them. hehehe I have really started to enjoy watching Insta Stories. I love seeing little snippets of peoples lives. I am loving Nomipalony, TobyandRoo, SparklesandStretchmarks, TeenTweenToddler and TheReadingResidence.

Doctor Who.
I love, love, love Jodie Whittaker! She might be my favourite Doctor ever! I found it hard to like Peter Capaldi as the Doctor so this is such a great change. I really like everything about the new series. The new Tardis, the companions, the stories but not the spiders. hehehe

What did you love in October?


  1. I've been loving Strictly & X Factor too - & now I want a chocolate orange!! #MMBC

  2. I'm with you when it comes to tv. I hope he wins too but agree he seems to be middle of the pack. Great to read you are all feeling better now. #MMBC

  3. I agree October went so fast, I really can't believe we are in November already! Haha Choccie oranges! Jayden loves them so I always stock up on them too. x

  4. I'm loving Jodie Whittaker too. She is very good. But I think the writing is also much better this season too. Boo that Dr Ranj went out. I agree, I think that they are setting up Joe Sugg to win and I don't really think he is that good. I'm team Stacey right now. #MMBC
