Thursday 29 November 2018

What I loved in November!

November might be my favourite month. We are allowed to get excited and talk about Christmas and it is my birthday month! In just over three weeks Christmas will be here and I can't wait. This year I don't have the stress of cooking the Christmas lunch as we are going out for it. It will be nice to have someone else wash the dishes but I think I am going to miss having no leftovers.

Anyway this isn't about the coming month it is about the past month and what I loved throughout it.


It was my birthday this month. It got off to a shaky start with the boiler not working but it ended up being a fantastic day. This time next year I will be 40. Forty seems so much older than 39. It was also my blog's 6th birthday. The years seem to have flown over since I started blogging. I wrote about my favourite blog posts from the last year and had a good giggle with the girls when we were looking back over the past year.

Little Mix - Strip!

A song that champions the beauty in diversity and celebrates body confidence!

Operation Live!

Channel 5 had three nights where they showed live operations and it was amazing! Replacing a heart valve, a knee replacement and removing a tumour. I was pretty anxious watching the heart surgery knowing that my girls have been through that type of surgery and will probably need similar when they are older but it was fascinating. The knee surgery was brutal, all the hammering, drilling and sawing but still amazing and the tumour removal I think was the most interesting. It is amazing how they can move your insides about. Eek! You can get it on catch up!

Christmas food!

I love this time of year. All the best food comes out. I have tried so many different Christmas sandwiches, mince pies and even things like Christmas pudding fudge and mince pie cookies, both from Asda and they were delicious. I am not so keen on the Pigs in blanket Pringles though, they just taste like smokey bacon one's. I have eaten so many Festive Bakes from Greggs and I've already eaten about 4 mini Christmas puddings. hehehe

Finishing the Christmas shopping!

I think I have finished buying the presents for Christmas. Now I just have to wrap them all. Eek! I may have gone a little crazy buying my dad and his girlfriend presents because unlike other years we will be seeing them over Christmas and not a couple of weeks before. I am so excited and so are the kids. I think the kids will be happy with what they are getting this year.

The Christmas Chronicles!

This is now one of my favourite Christmas films. It is one of the best things I have seen from Netflix! Kurt Russel is a fantastic Santa!

After accidentally crashing Santa's sleigh, a brother and sister pull an all-nighter to save Christmas with a savvy, straight-talking St. Nick.

What have you loved in November?


  1. Can't beat some nice Christmas food can you! I'm so happy December is here, Merry Christmas! x

  2. Sounds like a great month, I still haven't had a Greggs festive bake and my partner works in the factory that makes them, lol! Love the Christmas chronicles film we watched it last week when the kids were off school poorly x
