Friday 21 August 2020

This week my Word of the Week is: Celebrating! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

It has been a good week! After a few weeks of struggling to come up with a word for my Word of the Week post this week was slightly easier!

Last weekend was all about Stu's birthday. It wasn't a big one but it was a bit of excitement after a boring few weeks. On Saturday Ellie and I made a the cake which you can see on my Sunday photo post. What a job. We made a half and half cake. Half chocolate with buttercream icing and half vanilla sponge with chocolate butter cream icing. Never again! It took hours because we only had one cake tin in the size we wanted. I am quite glad we used packet mixes instead of making it from scratch, the hand food mixer finally gave up and broke so I had to get the big food mixer out. What a faff but it was worth it. The cake ended up being amazing, it was huge and tasted so good!

We also had a takeaway on Saturday night instead of Stu's actual birthday on the Sunday. We enjoy a takeaway more on a Saturday so it made sense. Stu had a quiet birthday, we didn't do much apart from leaving him alone to play on his computer. hehehe He loved all of his presents and cards and had a great day. Ellie's friend also popped round with a card and some chocolate for him. How sweet. 

This past week marked 11 years since my girls both had open heart surgery to fix holes in their hearts. It is a hard week even 11 years later. Early on in the week I felt quite low but yesterday I pulled myself around, felt much happier and positive. It is something worth celebrating, the fact that we got through the worst week ever and the girls are fit and well now.

Another reason we had to celebrate was yesterday when Becky got her results from college. After all the news stories we've read about the results recently we were slightly worried but my girl did well.

I always seemed to forget that Becky was resitting her English GCSE at college as she only got a D last year. She never really talked much about the English lessons or the mock exam she took early this year. All she ever mentioned was the speaking part of the GCSE and how she was so glad she didn't have to resit that as she had passed it at school. It turns out she did well and got a grade 4 which is an old school C.

Becky also got her results from the Health and Social Care course that she's been doing for the last year. She got a C for that too! I am of course very proud of her. It hasn't have been the easiest year with Coronavirus shutting her college in March and having to do her coursework at home. The support from the college has been amazing and there was always someone on hand to answer questions and offer advice about the work. Everyone did well in a difficult situation. 

Ellie is on a countdown to her birthday. It's a week tomorrow and she is very excited. She'll be 13 so officially a teenager and she can't wait to celebrate. I still have her presents to wrap, I think I will rope in Becky to help. I have a delivery slot booked on Friday with Tesco and fingers crossed her cake is delivered so we can do some more celebrating!


  1. What a brilliant week! Well done to Becky for doing well at college. I remember the dread of results day and all of the upset with the school grades must have made it so much worse this year. I'm so glad that everything has worked out well for her :) Have a wonderful weekend! #wotw

  2. Well Done Becky! I'm glad Stu had a good birthday and his cake looked delicious. It's Star's birthday on Monday and she's asked for a chocolate cake. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet, I may even pinch your half and half cake idea. It's always hard remembering the past, it was the anniversary of Star's final operation this week too, six years ago. It's easy to get pulled down when you start thinking of the what ifs so you have to focus on how well they have done. And it looks like they are doing really well. Good luck with two teens in the house x

  3. That cake looks amazing but it does sound like it was quite a faff to make! Glad it was worth the effort and hope Stu had a nice birthday. 11 years on from your girls’ heart surgeries is definitely something worth celebrating but I am sure that the memories are tough ones too so no wonder you have very mixed feelings over it. I’m so glad that they are both doing so well. A huge well done to Becky on her results and how exciting for Ellie to be counting down to being a teenager. #WotW

  4. Congratulations all round! sounds like a lovely week :) Karen, Early Rising Mum

  5. I am glad you have had a good week, so much to celebrate :) X
