Saturday, 13 March 2021

Week 10 of #Project365. 6th - 12th March. A photo every day for a year!

This was the week where we got a little bit of normal back in our lives with Ellie returning to school. It has gone really well. She's had a couple more Covid tests, both negative of course and she has really enjoyed seeing her friends.

I have had a good week. I took Monday for myself and did very little apart from watch TV and do some blogging. It was nice to have some time to do what I wanted to do instead of helping with the home learning. The rest of the week I have been catching up on all of those jobs I put off while I was helping with the home learning. lol

Now for a photo every day!

Dough in the food mixer and a face mask
Our back door being replaced and our junk drawer
Desparate Housewives on the TV and new Harry Potter pj's

65/365 - 6th March
We baked some bread on Saturday and this was the dough in the mixer. It was from a baking box that I was gifted and it tasted so good! The bread and the rolls we made didn't last past the weekend.

66/365 - 7th March
I bought a ton of new masks in preparation for the return to school. I knew Ellie would end up losing some and she of course has. I don't know how considering she has to wear one all day at school. I suspect they are in the bottom of her school bag but I am afraid to look.

67/365 - 8th March
I was sent some of the LOVE CORN snacks to review. They are rather delicious and I have been told by my family that I have to buy more. There will be a full review next week.

68/365 - 9th March
We got a new back door fitted. The old one was a stable style door and I loved it but it was dropping to bits, leaking and was letting all the cold in. Now we have a boring PVC door but it is keeping the warm in and rain out.

69/365 - 10th March
One of my jobs that haven't had time to do before this week, cleaning the junk drawer in the kitchen out. There was a lot of random junk in there and it's looking much tidier now.

70/365 - 11th March
I have been rewatching Desperate Housewives for a few weeks and I am loving it. There is so much that I have forgotten about.

71/365 - 12th March
I got myself some new Harry Potter pj's. They were from Studio. I have worked out that I could wear a different set of HP pj's for 6 nights of the week now I have that many sets. hehehe

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  1. Love those Harry Potter PJs. I have never watched Desperate Housewives has it been added to Disney+? I'm discovering Lost for the first time. Isn't it nice to have some time for yourself ;0) The LOVE CORN sounds interesting #365

  2. I need to clear out our drawers too. I'm loving having time on my own too. I think we need it.

  3. Can you believe I have a junk drawer or two already and I've only been here on and off for a year. I loved desperate housewives, has it aged well?

  4. Cool Harry Potter PJs! I watched Desperate Housewives years ago, wasn't it like 2004 when the first season was shown? I have probably forgotten most of it as well. Love Corn is lovely, so crunchy, we had it a few times in Degustabox, and occasionally I buy it, when it's on offer. Pity about your stable doors, they were so full of character.

  5. Love the Harry Potter PJs and the Love Corn snacks sound interesting. Clearing out drawers is one of those tasks I always put off - it is quite satisfying when it's all organised though. #project365

  6. There’s always going to be a messy junk drawer in our house, and quite often little piles left here and there. I love that you’re rewatching desperate housewives, I absolutely loved that and have watched the series three times I think now!

  7. The Love Corn snacks sound interesting. I guess I'd better think about more masks if they atill have to wear them all day in September #365

  8. Oh those corn snacks look good. Might have to give them a try.

    I wouldn't want to look at the bottom of my daughter's bag either!

  9. I am thinking I may need to treat myself to some new PJs I cant remember the last time I got some. Love the HP ones. Yay for homemade bread. I have so many junk draws (and cupboards) that I need to sort. Like the sound of the corn snacks.

  10. Ahhh I love Desperate Housewives, fancy rewatching them all now! I have several piles of junk/papers that need sorting... #project365

  11. Love the Harry Potter PJ's, I have a couple of pairs too but my daughter has loads. I used to love watching Desperate Housewives

  12. I too got so many masks for my kids haha i know they will surely lose them!! the harry potter pj looks nice hehe those snacks and the bread mix looks good.. hope they were as tasty

  13. So glad Ellie has enjoyed her return to school. The Love Corn snacks look interesting, always nice getting sent something tasty to review. I have so many junk drawers I need to sort too. They soon build up don't they! x
