Sunday, 23 May 2021

A workspace in the garage. #MySundayPhoto

Stu has his own space in the garage and he loves it in there. He is always pottering about doing whatever he does in there. He bought a kitchen worktop a couple of weeks ago from our local auction for £2 and put it in the corner of the garage as a new space to work. He's put some shelves up and has been having a good tidy up. Believe it or not it looks tidier than it was, I am trying to think of it as an organised mess.

Workspace in the garage

My Sunday Photo linky


  1. Get Stu with his man cave! Very organised. The worktop was such a bargain! I would spend so much time at the auction if I lived closer. x

  2. How nice to have a space like that! My dad spends hours in his garage. Was a great way to get through the covid lockdowns. #MMBC

  3. everyone needs their own space and what an incredible buy for that worktop #MMBC

  4. This is a great idea. We still use our garage for the car or else I'd definitely do the same! #MMBC

  5. Awww his ace to have your own space to do your own thing x #mmbc
