Sunday 2 May 2021

Buzzy bees in the garden. #MySundayPhoto

I have spent hardly any time in the garden over the past week but every time I do go out there I seem to notice more and more dandelions. The bees are loving them.

A bee on a dandelion


  1. That's one thing we had to get rid of when we cut the grass, all the dandelions. It's such a shame because I know the bees love them. That's a really good photo x

  2. Awww what a fantastic capture x #mysundayphoto

  3. A sign the world is warming up! Great timing with thta photo, bees don't stay still for long!

  4. A sign that summer is on it's way, haven't noticed any bees as yet here

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  5. Superb photo Kim #mysundayphoto

  6. What a lovely photo! I haven't spent enough time in my garden lately either. The weather just hasn't been up to it
