Sunday, 17 December 2023

Bags everywhere! #MySundaySnapshot

We're at that point in the run up to Christmas where my house feels in chaos. There's boxes and bags cluttering up my bedroom, bags of presents (wrapped and unwrapped one's) around the house and clutter everywhere. Hopefully by this time next week there will be more order to everything.

These bags were still in the living room yesterday after getting what was in them on Friday. There was no point taking them upstairs just to bring back down to wrap again. I will obviously get all the wrapping done before Christmas, I have to but I have no motivation to do it at the moment. I think I need the pressure of running out of time to get me busy. lol

Bags of Christmas gifts

My Sunday Snapshot


  1. I'm feeling slightly chaotic myself. I learnt that while a December holiday is lovely, it's very much a rush to get things done in time for Christmas when you get back! :D

  2. Yes it can feell chaotic but that is part of Christmas like a child's excitement. #MMBC

  3. Aw, you've got to love the Christmas chaos, haha. My dining room is upside down with stuff! I can't wait to get it all tidied up again. xx

  4. Thisiswhereitisat21 December 2023 at 19:54

    I feel this, I have stuffed them in my drawers and can't wait to get the space back 😂

  5. I hope you managed to get it done! I'll be glad when my bedroom is free of presents now. There's lots in the spare room too.
    Merry Christmas to you all! x
