Friday, 15 December 2023

This week my Word of the Week is: Ready! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


I love this time of year, the time when I am just about ready for Christmas! It's crazy to think that this time in a couple of weeks it will all be over and we'll be heading into a new year! Last weekend Becky said 2 weeks today and it's Christmas Eve which filled me with dread, I didn't feel ready but now I am feeling more prepared after a busy week.

We went shopping on Sunday with my dad to our yearly trip to Iceland to get all of the freezer food. I got the turkey, beef, more stuffing and tons of party food and snacks. I love this shopping trip with my dad, he takes me to Aldi, Big Tesco, Farm Foods and the big Home Bargains too. It's always a good few hours.

Stu was told last week that everyone has to do 5 hours of overtime and after last year he was reluctant to work those extra hours on an evening as the bus service has been so bad in the run up to Christmas so he went into work on Monday on his day off and did the whole 5 hours in one morning. He was finished by 1pm and it meant that I could meet him in town and do a bit of shopping getting the last of the presents for friends and family.

Becky wrapped Ellie's Christmas presents on Tuesday, this is one of the upsides of the kids being older and not believing in the big man in red, they can help with the wrapping. Ellie and I wrapped Becky's presents yesterday while she was asleep for work. Becky has already asked to wrap everyone else's presents which she will be doing tomorrow. The crazy girl loves wrapping. I said to her I was the same when I was her age, when I only had a handful of presents to wrap. Then I had kids and the mountain of presents put me off. lol

There is of course the big Christmas food shop to do with the veg and fresh food but I have most of it already in the online shopping basket ready to be delivered. Everything else is bought. I have been buying a few things every week for the last couple of months so it doesn't seem too bad at this time of year.

Plans have been made for Christmas and I am loving the way that Christmas has fallen this year. Stu will be off work on Christmas Eve with it being a Sunday! I think the last time he was, apart from the year we went away for Christmas was before Ellie was born. She's 16 now. lol He also gets Boxing Day off work too and I think the 27th. He will be back at work a few days and then will have New Years Eve and Day off! Becky has struck gold with the shifts that she is working too. She finishes a night shift on Christmas Day morning so can open her presents with us and then sleep until we are ready to eat. She will also be off work on New Years Eve but does go back the night of New Years day which will be fine, she said she can sleep all day if she has a hangover and won't get told off.

It feels like this is the earliest I have ever been mostly ready for Christmas with everything done that can be done and plans for everything else.

How has your week been? I hope you have had a good one?

Word of the week linky


  1. You do sound ready and excited. Glad everything is working out with everyone being able to spend the festive season together. I hope the grocery delivery doesn't disappoint . All the best now.

  2. Well done! I am about ready now I've finished uni. It's given me time to get out and do some more Christmas shopping!
    Just the big food shop online to come and we can scoff and be merry! xx

  3. Well done with all your prep! I am so NOT ready and I'm in a bit of a panic. I've been so busy thinking about work stuff and I haven't thought much about our Christmas. I'm not hosting this year otherwise I would be in a real pickle! Now the busiest week of our preschool year is over I can shift my mind to all the things I have to do. I'm going to write it all down and go shopping today! But first I'm having fun catching up on some blog reading. Hooray for Stu being off work on Christmas Eve. My husband is too for the first time in forever!

  4. It's nice when you look and think Yay! it's all done! I've got the presents to wrap, some will need doing sooner than others and I have my online shop ready to go. That's really nice that everyone's work hours mean they can all be home over Christmas and New Year. Karen - Early Rising Mum

  5. Well done Kim, can I borrow Becky please, I need help with my wrapping :) It does sound like you are all sorted for the big day, now you can relax and enjoy xx

  6. Wow! You sound really organised! Would Becky like to come here and wrap all my presents ?!


  7. I am back to enjoying wrapping presents now that there aren't so many and I don't have to try and do them quickly in total secrecy. It does seem like these next few weeks are just going to fly right by!

  8. So nice when you get to the point of feeling ready for Christmas. How lovely that Becky enjoys helping with the wrapping. That’s great that Stu’s shifts work out well for having Christmas Eve and Boxing Day off. Becky’s shifts have worked out well too. The night shift going into Christmas morning is quite a nice one to do and means that you can enjoy the morning before getting some sleep. #WotW
