Saturday, 16 December 2023

A photo every day for a year! 9th - 15th December - Week 50 of #Project365

Happy Saturday! Are you all ready for Christmas? It seems like the question everyone asks at this time of year. I still have more wrapping to do but I am feeling ready after the last week. We got all the freezer food and the last of the presents. My dad is going to be angry as I have got him more than he would like but he's my dad and he deserves spoiling, especially after everything that he does for me. We're off to see him today, it will be the last time before Christmas we can all go to see him together. Ellie and I will still see him closer to Christmas but Stu will be at work and Becky is busy. We don't have much planned for the rest of the weekend apart from hopefully finishing the wrapping and watching the Strictly final. 

It's that time of year when I forget to take photos. I've had so many opportunities over the last week, I've been to Hull and into Scunthorpe twice but my head has been full of what I needed to buy and do there. I think over the next week things will be calmer and I have less things taking up space in my head.

Now for a photo every day!

Mince pie and storage boxes
Me and presents
Rocks and ducks
Rings and Avengers puzzle

343/365 - 9th December
A mini mince pie. Ellie brought them home when she went to buy our usual Saturday meal deal from Tesco.

344/365 - 10th December
Storage boxes, nothing exciting although the kids did think it was a box full of Christmas presents for them. They were very disappointed. 

345/365 - 11th December
Waiting for the bus into town to meet Stu. He went in on his day off to do mandatory overtime and was finished by 1pm so that left an afternoon for shopping.

346/365 - 12th December
I got Becky to help with the wrapping. She did most of Ellie's Christmas presents. She loves wrapping! 

347/365 - 13th December
Rocks and ducks out of the girls advent calendars. They both love them! Ellie has got a little box to put all her rocks in when she has finished opening her advent calendar and Becky has a place in her bedroom for all of her ducks. lol

348/365 - 14th December
While Stu and I were in town shopping we kept seeing Claddagh ring's in jewellery shops. When I see them I think of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, when Angel gave her one. Years ago everyone I knew had one but I never did until this week when Stu got me one and a wishbone ring for Christmas. They didn't cost much but are silver.

349/365 - 15th December
I have a list of things of 50 things to do before I turn 50 and one of them is to complete a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. I saw this one in Poundstretcher and I heard a voice in my head screaming buy it! Avengers: End Game is one of my favourite ever movies to watch.

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  1. I ahd to laugh at your 50 before 50 list including a 1000 piece puzzle, I thought that was compulsory for every one during lock down. I'm sure your dad won't complain too much and will love being spoilt.

  2. That's nice to get a ring you always wanted. I love the ducks - so much fun, although that's a lot of space to find. Good luck with the puzzle. Hope you've got a board - they take up a bit of space

  3. Your ring is lovely! Good luck with the puzzle; I have done a few 1000 piece ones and some are much easier than others.

  4. I think you've done bloody brilliant keeping up with #Project365. I used to really enjoy it, but I always seemed to be playing catch up.
    I love the girls calendars. Jayden has a stone one too. We were all crying at it when it came. I got it off Amazon and they've spelt advent wrong, so every day we say "time to open the adwents!" Haha. It could only happen to us. xx

  5. So nice to feel ready for Christmas and have most of it done. Love the collection of rocks and ducks from the advent calendars. What a fun idea to have a list of 50 things to do before you turn 50. I’m quite tempted to do one of those! Hope your dad likes all his presents. #project365

  6. Oh I didn't realise you can get advent calendars with rocks and ducks! Thats so different and cool! The rings are lovely!
