Monday, 22 April 2024

Our weekly meal plan! 22nd - 28th April. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Monday again, they keep coming around so quickly! I hope you all had a good weekend. We had a lot of family time. I do like it when Becky has her weekend off work, there's decent stuff on the TV and we do something instead of just lazing about the house. We went out for lunch yesterday and had a lovely time.

Last weeks meal plan went well. We ate everything but did end out going out for Sunday lunch instead of staying in. Our favourite meal was the BBQ Chicken With Crispy Potatoes And Pepper & Corn Salad. When I get Gousto meals I sometimes think that making things like your own BBQ sauce is a faff but then when we taste it I understand that the faff is totally worth it! I swear this was the best BBQ chicken I have ever had and it went so well with the potatoes and pepper and corn salad is so simple but something I have never thought about having.

This week is a back to normal week. Ellie has a full week at college which should keep me on track with what day it is. It's Stu's normal day off work today and we don't have any plans at all but I am sure we will find something to do. I do have a night out mid-week which I am really looking forward to and will probably tell you more about it on my Friday Favourite post. We of course have Gousto again this week with a couple of meals we have tried before and loved and a couple of new one's.

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - A fry up. Sausages, bacon, eggs, black pudding, mushrooms, hash browns, tomatoes, baked beans and toast.
Tuesday - Gousto meal - Stuffing Crusted Chicken With Buttery Veg And Onion Gravy.
Wednesday - I am out for a meal, Becky is busy so it's just Ellie and Stu for tea and they're having some sort of chicken with cheesy pasta. They have already planned it.
Thursday - Gousto meal - Bacon & Bean Casserole.
Friday - Gousto meal - Hoisin Pork Wraps.
Saturday - Gousto meal - Buffalo Fried Chicken Burger With Ranch-Style Dip.
Sunday - I am going to cook a roast dinner, it's been ages since we had one at home. I am thinking beef with all of the trimmings.

What are you eating this week?


  1. Your meals sound delicious! Some of them I know what they are, others I'm not sure. Black pudding? I've heard this before, but it has evaded me. I am meal planning/ shopping today, but I will be gone every night this week. I don't love weeks like this, but I'll make the best of it for everyone, hopefully. Thanks for sharing your meals!

  2. Monday would be Vic's favorite meal. Whenever we talk about planning a trip to the UK, it has to include lots of English breakfasts.

  3. I don't think I have ever heard of black pudding - will have to google that one! Sounds like a good week of eating, though. Enjoy!

  4. I love a roast beef dinner... in fact we had one yesterday! Nothing beats a Sunday roast!
