Sunday 28 April 2024

Week 17 of #Project365 21st - 27th April. A photo every day for a year!

We have had a great week mostly, yesterday we realised the fridge/freezer wasn't behaving how it should, it was freezing things in the bottom half of the fridge. Eek! What made me chuckle was yesterday it came up on my Facebook memories that it's 11 years since we were having issues with our old fridge, that wasn't keeping things cold or frozen. It seems it's the same problem, the thermostat but it's working at different extremes. I can't complain 11 years is good going for a fridge. As of writing this I don't know what we're going to do. I had been looking at new one's but someone we know is selling one so we might just go second hand. It's just an inconvenience at the moment, I am just taking things out of the fridge and defrosting them before we need them.

Now for a photo every day!

Roast dinner and seeds growing
Henderson's Relish and winnings from bingo
Evening sky and baby pears
Bon Jovi documentary Disney+

112/365 - 21st April
We had the most amazing roast dinner from the pub! The gammon just melted in my mouth, I don't even like cabbage but ate it and enjoyed it and freshly made Yorkshire puddings are the best! I want to go back every weekend and eat it again but after being to the pub a couple of times this week I think we need a break.

113/365 - 22nd April
My seeds are growing, all the one's that I planted apart from the strawberries! I don't know what it is, I just can't seem to grow strawberries and from what I know they should be really easy to grow.

114/365 - 23rd April
I always smile when a recipe from Gousto needs the Henderson's Relish! It comes in such a cute, little bottle.

115/365 - 24th April
We had a good night at the pub playing bingo! I bagged the last full house and won myself £100. I of course shared, kept £40 for myself and gave £30 each my eldest and her girlfriend. They used it to treat themselves. Eldest got her hair cut and treated them to lunch out and the girlfriend got her eyelashes done. lol I am saving my winnings to buy a jacket that I saw in town.

116/365 - 25th April
It annoys me how all day it can be grey and wet and then come about six or seven in the evening the sun comes out and blue skies appear. It seems like such a waste. It was warmer at half six on Thursday evening than it was during the day! 

117/365 - 26th April
Baby pears! It always amazes me how small pears start off on my dad's tree. There is hundreds at the moment but my dad who is quite the expert when it comes to pear trees now says that not all of the buds grow. Only two or three out of bunches of 5 will make it.

118/365 - 27th April
I finally got around to watching the Bon Jovi documentary on Disney+. It was really good, I learned lots that I didn't know about the band and it was really interesting. What made me chuckle was Jon Bon Jovi swearing. I always think of him as straight laced and a good boy. hehehe

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  1. Your photo of your winnings took me right back to the first time I ever saw a ten pound note. I was about nine years old and my Dad took me to England (he was stationed in Belgium at the time) to buy school clothes (the base in Belgium was new and I think shopping options must have been very limited). Anyway, we went to my aunt's in Manchester and I remember Dad giving my aunt three ten pound notes and I think I got an entire wardrobe from Marks and Spencer for that amount. I do remember a lime green winter coat. Memories.

  2. Love seeing those little seedlings grow.

  3. I love catching up with your activities, and this was a good week. Congrats on winning and sharing the money. As for that wonderful meal, yum, yum. I'd like to try that. I've never seen a pear tree but I'd love to see all those baby pears. Happy Monday Kim! #MMBC

  4. I need to watch the Bon Jovi documentary too while I still have my free Disney+. Well done on the Bingo. I've never been but would like to.

  5. Those seedlings look like sweet peas to me, do let me know. The roast dinner looks lovely. Well done with the bingo win

  6. Hope you get things sorted with your fridge freezer. That roast dinner looks amazing. Well done on the bingo wins. Lovely to see seedlings appearing. #project365
