Friday, 12 April 2024

What I have loved this week! Week 15. #FridayFavourites

Hello there and happy Friday! Another week has flown over. I have enjoyed just being at home catching up on jobs and some blogging. I am linking up with Erika and Andrea and share some of my favourites from this past week. 

What I have loved this week

I have been a Wrestling fan for the last 20 or so years and went off it in the late 2000's but recently I have been watching again and it has been pretty amazing, especially over the weekend. If you're not a wrestling fan Wrestlemania is the big show of the year, they go all out and they're always special but this time felt extra special with some special returns and big matches. I couldn't stay up and watch it live as it didn't start until about 1am here so watched it the next days, after I had read the spoilers of course because I couldn't wait. I was walking through the house shouting The Undertaker is back, The Undertaker is back! I didn't expect that! hehehe

There have only been a handful of times when I have cried at wrestling shows and that was when they were tributes to people who died but over the past week I have cried another handful of times. Seeing Cody Rhodes win the title and have his family and other wrestlers in the ring celebrating, video's of his journey, mentions of his dad and seeing Roman Reigns crying after losing the title. It was a special and amazing weekend for wrestling and it feels like a new era has begun. I think I will be tuning in and watching their weekly shows again instead of the just odd Pay Per View! 

Ice cream! 

Ice cream in a cone

The ice cream man is back, doing his rounds every evening in his van and we are loving it! I have had 2 over the past week. The first one a single cone and then I went a bit crazy and got a double cone which I won't be doing again. It was amazing but my mouth was numb from the ice cream being so cold, I will stick with the single cones in future. lol I do expect to eat many more over the summer months!

I am rewatching Heroes! It was first shown on TV in the late 2000's, I forgot all about it until I saw it on the ITVX app and I read yesterday that it could be coming back with a new season after 14 years. 

People all over the the world start to realise they have special abilities, like telekinesis, healing abilities, flying powers, time travel and invisibility. Their world and lives are turned upside down as a serial killer named Sylar tries to hunt them all and make sure no one becomes as powerful as him. In order to protect themselves from him, these people must help one another before Sylar can destroy them all while they each deal with problems of their own. It has been so long since I watched it that I don't remember the whole story, just bits so it's like a new show to me. 

More gardening!
After doing the front garden last week I moved onto the back garden over the weekend. All I had to do was weed and dig all the soil which seemed like a lot of hard work but thankfully it had rained the night before which made my job a lot easier.

Garden before and after
The garden before and after

Also during the week I have planted a ton of seeds. Sweetcorn, peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, pumpkins and some others that I can't think of at the moment. I am keeping my fingers crossed that everything grows. Last year I did really well especially with the sweetcorn and then we went away for almost a week, at the hottest time of the year and everything died off. Hmmf. This year we are home all summer so I have big hopes for my plants.

Spring roll wraps!
Our favourite meal over the past week has been the pork spring roll wraps with sweet chilli sauce from Gousto! I would have never have thought of making something like this if it wasn't for the Gousto box. They were easy to make and so good. 

Warmer temperatures!
I was going to say warmer days but the nights have been pretty warm too. I have stopped wearing fleecy pyjamas and I'm back in my thinner one's with t-shirts. I have found myself going out with just a cardigan instead of a coat or jacket. It got up to 19C here over the weekend, it would have been an amazing day but it was still overcast and very windy.

A bath bomb!

Lush bath bomb

When I was in town last Friday I thought ahead, I knew I would be gardening over the weekend and would want a soak in the bath so treated myself to a nice bath bomb from Lush! I got the Peachy one and it smelled amazing, left me feeling relaxed and my skin so soft and the biggest bonus was that I wasn't aching after doing all of the digging.

Spending time with my youngest!
Ellie has been off college, enjoying the rest of her Easter break and it has been nice to spend time with her when we haven't had to be anywhere or do anything in particular. We did have had a good clear our of her bedroom, how can one girl collect so much junk! Her room is tiny so she doesn't really the room for rubbish and things she doesn't need, it is a lot more organised now.

What have you loved over the past week?

Friday Favorites linky button


  1. That ice cream does look yummy! Our weather is very, very slowly warming up.. at least they are heading in the right direction. Alec's last day before break is today and while I'd love to get him to clean his room next week I'm pretty sure he'll either be away from home or asleep since he's rarely here when he's awake.

  2. Oh yummy, a 99!! I've found the Flakes locally but nothing tastes the same as the ice cream in the UK.

  3. It sounds like you had a lovely week. I feel like we need a catch up! What with Jayden being so poorly, I haven't been around much.
    Love the gardening, I hope all of your seeds grow well for you!
    Ice-cream from the ice-cream man, what a treat. We don't ever get one around here grrr!
    Your Lush bath bomb has reminded me I need to place another order! Love Lush so much xx

  4. I used to love watching 'Heroes'! I don't think I watched to the end because back then we didn't have streaming services and I lost track of what time it was on. The channel it was on changed the time slot Grrr! While the show was at its peak in popularity, I remember a young mum and her little boy came to enrol at our preschool. Haha, guess what his name was - Hiro Nakamura!!! The mum had never heard of the show.

  5. Your flower beds look ready for the season! The ice cream looks so good!
