Sunday, 26 May 2024

Week 21 of #Project365 19th - 25th May. A photo every day for a year!

Hello there and Happy Sunday! I hope you are having a nice relaxed day. We don't have any plans at all. The weather is not looking good, we're forecast thunderstorms this afternoon so I will be turning the TV up and shutting the curtains trying to ignore it. I really hate thunder and lightning. What is with this weather, I am so over all of the rain that we have been having.

We have had a nice weekend so far. On Friday I of course went to my dad's and my brother was there and it was a nice surprise to see my nephew too. He is 3 and was sat playing in a pile of dirt with his toy cars and was absolutely loving life! It was lovely to watch. I missed that, my girls were not into playing with cars and trucks, they were more into dolls and tea parties so it was quite fun to watch. Yesterday was a quiet day catching up on housework, getting the Gousto box delivered and watching the FA cup final.

Now for a photo every day!

Tomato plants and nail polish
Black bags over garden
Me and the tumble dryer
Cat and me again

140/365 - 19th May
My dad brought me tomato plants that he has grown. They are stressing me out. I daren't leave them outside in the weather we have been having and the only place I can put them is in our little shed which is quite dark. So have have been bringing them out when it's dry and putting them inside when it's chucking it down. 

141/365 - 20th May
This is the best nail polish that I have find in a while and I don't even remember where I have got it from. It was a bargain at £1 though. It lasts so well, this was almost a week on and it's not looking too shabby.

142/365 - 21st May
I have given up trying to keep the stupid weeds under control so I have covered the soil in black bags and stones to kill them off. I talked about them on my Word of the Week post yesterday but the bindweed is coming from next door. Ugh. I am just going to put the plants I am growing into bigger pots and them sit them on the black bags.

143/365 - 22nd May
We of course went to the pub on Wednesday for the bingo, I won £25 which payed for my night out and we were sat next to the jukebox controlling the music. hehehe

144/365 - 23rd May
I didn't think I would be still using the tumble dryer most days. It feels like such a treat when I can get the washing out on the line at the moment.

145/365 - 24th May
Our overly friendly neighbourhood cat! He lives over the road and thinks nothing of walking into your house if you leave the door open. I was cooking tea and he came into our kitchen, I saw him and shouted get out and he did! Phew! He had a wander around the garden and then tried to get into next doors caravan. lol

146/365 - 25th May
Just me. I wanted to get this post written but didn't have a photo so you have a selfie of me.

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  1. Ah wandering cats. We have various ones that are feral on the farm, and we were getting the neighbours from down the road, but he's now stopped as the cows are in the paddock, and next door have a dog that's often in their garden so blocks the cat's walkway. Bargain nail polish, especially if it lasts.

  2. It's smart to bring the new plants inside during the storm. I can understand the problem of where do they do. #MMBC

  3. I've given up gardening, the slugs have had almost everything, if it survives now, then so be it. Our cat is a wanderer, but we don't get any other cats visiting us.

  4. Well done on your Bingo win.....I never win anything LOL. I don't do gardening, the local council don't even cut the grass outside our house so we get weed seeds blown in constantly

  5. How lovely to see your nephew when visiting your dad. Hope the black bags help sort the weeds out. Well done on your bingo win. Cheeky cat coming inside. We have one that visits the garden that has tried to come inside a couple of times. #project365
