Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Share our lives - 5 Favourite and least favourite foods.

This months Share Our Lives prompt is: 5 Favourite and least favourite foods. I love food! Eating and making it and it was so hard to narrow down my favourite foods and I thought my least favourite foods would be easy to come up with but it really wasn't.

Pizza and Carrot cake

My favourite foods:

A McChicken Sandwich obviously from McDonald's but it has to come with no lettuce. A McChicken sandwich meal is my go to order usually with large fries and a full fat coca cola!

Fried egg sandwiches in white bread with tomato ketchup on. The yolk has to be broken and not runny. Partly because I don't like the mess but mostly because I don't like the runniness. I never let anyone make me a fried egg sandwich, I like the way that I cook them!

A Prawn Cocktail - Cooked prawns in a Marie Rose sauce with salad! If I was to have a last meal this would be my starter. It has made me so happy that our local pub has started serving them as a starter on a Sunday. I get one every time we have a Sunday lunch out.

Pizza - I can't pick just one type. I was allergic to cheese from my teenage years until about 10 years ago, it gave me really bad migraines so I rarely ate pizza. If I did eat pizza I would make my own without cheese. Now that I eat some cheese, mostly mozzarella home made one's are my favourite. I have BBQ sauce, smoky sausage, onions, mushrooms, peppers, sweetcorn and mozzarella cheese. If I get one from a takeaway shop I usually got for a Tropicana with ham, mushroom and pineapple on. Yes, I am one of those people who like pineapple on a pizza.

Carrot Cake - I had to include something sweet and carrot cake is my favourite sweet treat! Of all the cakes carrot is my favourite.

Broccoli and Blueberries

My least favourite foods:

Cheddar cheese - I have found out that cheddar cheese still gives me migraines, I can eat most other cheeses. I have found the darker the cheese the worse it is for me. I am fine with white cheese.

Broccoli - I just don't like it. To be honest I don't like most green vegetables but broccoli is my most hated. I don't like the taste but it's the texture too.

Liver - I remember as a child being told I wasn't allowed to leave the table unless I ate the liver and onions which were on my plate. I don't think I did eat it but I obviously left the table at some point. I just didn't like it and the thought of it now makes me feel queasy.

Gnocchi - We tried this in a Gousto box last year and there was nothing my family liked about Gnocchi. We didn't like the texture, taste or the look of it, it looked like Witchetty grub's. Eww! 

Blueberries - They have to be really hidden in food for me to eat them, I am just not a fan of blueberries.

What are your favourite and least favourite foods?

Share our lives linky

I am linking up with:

 Adrienne from Mom Life with Adrienne.
Dara from Not In Jersey.
Joanne from Slices of Life.
Sarah from Toronto Sam.


  1. I love carrot cake as well; how sad that you were allergic to cheese! I guess you just didn't know what you were missing, though. I do love pizza, but I don't eat it very often. The last time I ate it, my stomach hurt for an entire day, so that kind of ruined it for me for a long time. I'm not a picky eater at all, and will try or eat most anything. Even if I didn't like something like green peas (I don't love them), if I were at your house and you were to offer them to me, I would eat them. Todd and I love trying new restaurants too, with foods we've never eaten! Last year we loved trying Vietnamese food for the first time and now it's one of our favorites. Thanks for sharing today! Do you have new hair? I love the new picture at the top of your blog!

  2. I haven't had a fried egg sandwich for ages, I do love prawn cocktail too. I love green vegetables. I am really not a fan of gnocchi but I love blueberries and eat them as a snack. I've been reading a few of these posts and find them really interesting. xx

  3. I tried gnocchi last year too and I did not like it at all; it felt like uncooked dough in my mouth! I love carrot cake too but prefer to make it myself since most places put raisins and walnuts in it and I don't like those in my carrot cake (and it MUST have cream cheese frosting on it).

  4. It's so funny because my husband hates most fruit except for blueberries! And I would be so sad if cheddar cheese gave me migraines because I really like it.

  5. I would be sad if I was allergic to cheese! Pizza is so good, and we often have it on the weekend. I don't like blueberries either. Thanks for linking up with us.

  6. Fried egg sandwich is my favourite too!!

