Tuesday, 4 April 2017

A graffiti room for my teen.

My teen has never had much done with her bedroom. She had posters on the walls and that's about it.....We rent so haven't really wanted to decorate until recently when our landlord said we can do what we like with the house....It's our home. 

While we were out a few weeks ago we were looking at the wallpaper in Wilko's and Becky fell in love with Fresco Graffiti Wallpaper. It's not something I would have chosen but it's her room and at £8.00 a roll it wasn't that expensive. We were only doing one wall.....

Stu had the week off work last week so decided to make a start on it.....Doing the glossing first which there wasn't much of. Just the skirting board and radiator. He painted her door when he decorated the passage the last time he had holidays from work......

I had been looking online for accessories for Becky's room and everything seemed really over priced. £40 for a set of curtains and £25 for a lampshade which was far more than I was wanting to pay.

Finally I came across some graffiti themed things in George at Asda.....They are not the perfect match to the wallpaper but they are close enough.....

Graffiti World Bedding Set - £9.00.
Graffiti World Pop Up Tidy - £5.00
Graffiti World Curtains - £14.00
Graffiti World Ceiling Light - £8.00

Everything came to £40.50 which included the next day delivery....I wanted Becky's room finished while Stu was still off work....

On Tuesday the decorating was mostly done and Stu decided to give her old chest of drawers a lick of paint and put the leftover wallpaper over the top and sides.....They turned out so well and I think they are my favourite thing in Becky's room....When Becky got in from school she was so impressed and it was only half finished....

We finished the rest off on Wednesday, her shelf was painted white to match the rest of the room (hooray for quick drying gloss) and all her Minecraft things carefully put back on it, we put everything away, changed her bedding and hoovered....

Her bookcase still needs painting white and there are still a few bits that I want to buy like a lamp, clock, cushions and maybe some wall stickers but her room is mostly done and she absolutely loves it which is the most important thing....

Now Ellie has started asking for a bedroom makeover too....She wants unicorns! lol


  1. This is amazing! No wonder she was pleased with it. It's brilliant that you were able to find curtains and bedcovers at such a good price.

    1. She is so happy with it and is even keeping her room tidy because she loves it so much.
      Thank you x

  2. I saw this wallpaper in wilkos too. My daughter wanted the graffiti heart one but it sold out. The room look fab x

    1. Ohh! I didn't see the graffiti heart one. I hope it comes back in stock soon x

  3. My Ella wants a unicorn bedroom as well! They seem so alike!
    Becky's bedroom looks brilliant :)

    1. Have you seen the price of Unicorn stuff. Eek! I better get saving. lol
      Thank you x

  4. What a brilliant room for a teenager, lucky Becky. Well done on finding the right products at the right price. x

  5. That looks amazing! I can't believe you got all of that done for £40.50, that's a bargain x

    1. Well £40 plus about £16 for the wallpaper which still isn't too bad :)
      Thank you x

  6. Wow I didn't know you could get this type of wallpaper. It looks fab and you managed to do loads without spending a fortune! Thanks so much for joining us at #TweensTeensBeyond

  7. The wallpaper on the chest of drawers looks amazing.Blends in beautifully with the walls. Very clever and such fun.Not sure if anything would go as well other than graffiti bedspreads. Good luck with the unicorns! #TweensTeensBeyond

    1. That was all down to my fella. He came up with the idea.
      Thank you x

  8. A great and very creative idea. Think I may have read this from you before somewhere. Hope she is enjoying it. Thanks for joining us. #TweensTeensBeyond

  9. Wow it looks fab, and what a bargain! I love the way you have put the wallpaper over the chest of drawers too, to make it all match.

    1. Thank you! All my fella's hard work. hehehe x

  10. I love this wallpaper and my daughter would love it too. I shall do my parental duty and not reveal this post to her for fear she will want a premature room change!! Lovely to have you here at #tweensteensbeyond, thank you for joining us Nicky

    1. hehehe! It is a proper teenage wallpaper. My girl loves it. Thank you x
