Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Our Easter Egg hunt.

My family and I are not religious so Easter is all about the chocolate and having fun together as a family. On Friday we had a lot of fun and ate a lot of chocolate....

The lovely people from Co-op Food set me off thinking about organising an Easter egg hunt for my girls with their Good Egg campaign. My girls are both good eggs and always deserve a treat.

I mentioned in my Chilly trip to the park post that I had a great Easter egg hunt planned. I was going to hide the eggs outside but the weather let us down...It was cold, wet and not the weather we had hoped for. It wasn't going to stop us having an Easter egg hunt though.

We decided to just have it in the house....Our living/dining room is bit enough and I bought a few extra eggs from Poundland and there was more than enough hiding places for them....

The girls ran around like crazy things searching high and low for the eggs and they did so well.

My girls are so competitive anyway but when chocolate is involved it goes to a whole different level. There was only a couple of moments when they reached for the same egg that an argument nearly happened.

When they had finished their baskets were just about full! They both ended up with nearly the same amount of eggs. Phew. They did miss a few which I have been finding since. One in the washing basket, one under the TV and a couple more....Finders keepers rules apply so they were mine. hehehe. It's only fair.


  1. What a shame it rained for you, it looks like the girls had loads of fun inside though. We went out to an egg hunt on Friday so on Sunday I hid their eggs in the living room and they had fun hunting for them. They all had their names on to stop any arguments ;)

    1. Ahh! They had a great time...
      Great idea about putting their names on x

  2. You can't beat an Easter egg hunt, sorry that it rained though

  3. Looks like it was fun despite the weather!
