Friday 21 April 2017

Busy doing nothing. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

It feels like we have done nothing this week which is a good thing but at the same time we have kept ourselves busy and the boredom has never hit....We have spent the week relaxing, watching box sets and eating lots and lots of chocolate.

The girls had their Easter egg hunt but the weather did let us down. It didn't matter though, they still ended up having fantastic fun.

We had a walk around the market on Tuesday and that is as far as we've been....The girls have played outside plenty on their scooters and they got the paddling pool out and filled it.....They just played in it with toys without actually getting into it....It was far too cold for that....

Becky has started watching my type of shows....This past week she started watching The 100 which I love. We watched the first few episodes together then the little madam couldn't wait for me to watch another so she went ahead and watched it without me....Eesh the cheek! I can't blame her I've seen it all before and it is a fab show. One episode is never enough....She has also started to watch Glee. I again was watching it with her and I forgot how young they all were when it started....

We were supposed to be having family visit yesterday but they had car troubles. The exhaust fell off. Oops. The kids were gutted and I was too but it was one of those things which can't be helped....

Today depending on the weather we are off out....When we went to see the Tall Ships in Blyth we found a fantastic park and promised the kids that we will go back one day.....Hopefully today is the day.

I ended up checking the term dates for school when Stu mentioned when his holidays from work are.....It's a good job I did. I thought the kids were back at school on Monday....They're not. There is a teachers training day. Oops. That was close. lol


  1. It sounds like you've been very busy doing nothing! I loved it when my eldest daughter wanted to watch the same tv as me. With my youngest, it's just Boo who loves to watch Great British Bake Off and Master Chef with me. xx

    1. We really have. hehehe
      My girls both love the GBBO. I'm not looking forward to it's return though. I am not keen on the new presenters. x

  2. Sounds like the perfect way to spend the Easter holidays! What a shame the family visit didn't happen but as you say, these things can't be helped. Hope you manage to visit the tall ships today :-) #WotW

  3. I love a good lazy week. In fact I'm doing it now in my PJs. I used to watch Glee when it first came out...seems like ages ago! xx #wotw

    1. Hooray for Pj's. I'm staying in mine all day tomorrow.
      Glee started in 2009. That is ages ago. hehehe

  4. Oh I do like those kind of weeks, just perfect for spending quality time together, catching up with yourselves and enjoying a slower pace of life before school kicks in again next week. Although lucky you to have an extra day at home - another four day week. Yeah!!!!
    I do hope the car isn't too expensive to fix and you enjoy your day out today.

    1. Yep! I think that is what I've done without realising. Slowing down before things speed up again next week.
      Thank you x

  5. Sounds like a great week of nothing! So nice to be able to enjoy some of your favourite shows together, too. Good job you checked the term dates! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. Thank you! I know about the term dates. I would have kicked myself so much if I sent the kids to school on Monday. lol x

  6. We've had a quieter week too. The tall ships sounds like a great outing. I hope you make it. We've got a four day week next week too, for one of the children. Nice to ease back in to the routine. #wotw

  7. Sometimes doing nothing is sooo good!! I used to love Glee! Popping over from #WotW

  8. Oh I do like those kind of weeks, just perfect for spending quality time together, catching up with yourselves and enjoying a slower pace of life before school kicks in again next week. Although lucky you to have an extra day at home - another four day week. Yeah!!!!
    I do hope the car isn't too expensive to fix and you enjoy your day out today.

    1. They are just wonderful. I do love a short week. x

  9. I think it is lovely to kick back a bit and regroup :)

  10. That WAS close on the term dates. It's like parentmail, whenever we have non-uniform, I always relax a little when I see someone else walking down the road in their own clothes! #wotw

  11. I think it will be a while before the girls want to watch the same thing as me. It's currently This Morning vs CBeebies. WotW
