Saturday, 1 April 2017

A photo everyday for a year - #Project365 Week 13

Last week I messed up on Project 365. It should have been week 12 and I titled it week 13....Oops. This week is week 13. lol

Hasn't this week been so warm....We have still had rainy days but they temperature has really risen. The kids have been playing out more and they are loving the lighter nights....

84/365 - 25th March

Pizza night.

85/365 - 26th March

Mothers day pressies. I was spoilt rotten.

86/365 - 27th March

Chocolate filled hot cross buns.

87/365 - 28th March

Becky's room when it was half done.

88/365 - 29th March

Ellie decided to write a book. Her life story. hehehe

89/365 - 30th March

Ellie made a gloopy mess with the sand which was a joy to clean

90/365 - 31st March

We got new gas & electric meters put in....We also got a fancy new Smart Meter too!


  1. Your smart meter looks very cool and I'm loving Becky's new room! Looks like you had a lovely Mother's Day. I've never liked hot cross buns, but I think I might like them with chocolate in them! :)

    1. It is very fancy. I can't stop messing about with it. hehehe
      Becky loves her new room too....
      Thank you x

  2. Hi Kim, Beck's room looks good so far. Who's doing the graffiti? You are a very lucky lady to have children spoil you, I hope you milked it! And as for that smart meter, I really wish we had such a thing over here. Our recent electric bill was a killer and it would be nice to be forewarned!

    Thank you for linking up with the #MMBC.


    1. Thank you! Her room is just about done. Ahh! We bought the graffiti wallpaper. There's no graffiti artists here.
      Oh yes! I did milk it being mothers day. x

  3. Ooh smart meters are cool. I bet you get obsessed with checking what you're using.

    1. They are. I really need to stop looking out ours. It is going to become an obsession x

  4. What a bundle of gifts for Mother's Day! Lovely. And your girls new room looks exciting. #365

  5. We are enjoying the lighter evenings too. That sand looks a nightmare.

    1. The sand is a nightmare. It is everywhere. Ugh! One of those things which seemed like a good idea at the time.

  6. Love the chest of drawers mid make over, great idea.
    We dont have dual fuel so cant get a smart meter.
    Thats a lot of pizza boxes, hope you all enjoyed it.

    1. Thank you.
      The pizza was fab. Enough for the next day too x

  7. Loving the look of the decor in the new room and a smart meter looks like a good idea, I have no idea of the consumption of energy in this house!

    1. Thank you.
      I think it's best not to know. I can see how much energy we're using and I am getting obsessed with turning things off.

  8. Busy, busy week! Those Hot X Buns look amazing! #MMBC

    1. They were. They had chocolate sauce inside too. Yum, yum!

  9. Love the look of Becky's room. Keep toying with the idea of a smart meter but don't think I can live with OH moaning about me having lights on! #365

    1. hehehe! I have become that person moaning about us using too much electricity.
      Thank you x

  10. fab selection of arts and crafts and the chocolate hot cross buns look wonderful

  11. Becky's room is looking great! Love the gloopy mess...!!
