Saturday 15 April 2017

A photo everyday for a year - Week 15 #Project365

The first week of the Easter holidays has flown over....We have had so much fun and have kept ourselves busy. I love my girls being off school. We get to spend some quality time together and I always have plenty of opportunities to take photos. hehehe

Now for a photo every day....

98/365 - 8th April
Sweets in the shape of Sushi...What will they think of next. My youngest is a lover of both so this was the perfect treat.

99/365 - 9th April
My fella started playing World of Warcraft again....I always say I won't start playing again. It doesn't last long. lol I'm just playing the free version though for now. 

100/365 - 10th April
We had a lazy day on Monday....This is the only photo I took. The girls playing with the annoying ball.

101/365 - 11th April
On Tuesday we baked cupcakes. When Ellie does any cooking or baking she gets so bossy. She's telling her sister off for something. lol

102/365 - 12th April
We made play dough on Wednesday....It was such a mess but so worth it....The girls are still playing with the dough now!

103/365 - 13th April
Fun at the park. Rather Becky than me in the spinny thing. It goes so fast. Eek!

104/365 - 14th April
We had a little Easter egg hunt.


  1. lol at being bossy with her sister, maybe she feels she can do it better.
    Glad they are still playing with the dough.
    We never use the spinny thing in the park.

    1. hehehe! She thinks she can do everything better which isn't always the case.
      Thank you x

  2. Lol, N loves just lying in those playground things. I'm not allowed to spin him at all!

    1. hehehe! I think they are so scary. He does right x

  3. So lovely to have the kids at home isn't it? Love the look of the sushi - definitely beats the real thing!

    1. It is. Two weeks is just the right amount of time.
      Thank you x

  4. I'm impressed at a child liking sushi! I don't like it myself, even the vegetarian sushi! I had to laugh at the 'bossy baking' photo. It is great to have the kids at home, isn't it? Hope you have another good week next week!

    1. Ohh! My girls both love it. hehehe
      Thank you. I hope you have had a good week too x

  5. Hehe love the capture 'the annoying ball!' #365

  6. Playdough is something I've always planned to make, but it's still never happened. Hope the baking results tasted good #365
