Tuesday 11 April 2017

An update on the bullying.

Ellie has been bullied off and on for over a year....Mainly by one child who egged others on.....I mentioned it in the post When bullies make you cry. It turns out the bullying did stop but then started again a few weeks ago this time by a different couple of girls which were egged on by the main bully we think....

Again I caught one of the girls bullying Ellie in the school yard, spoke to the head and she had a word with the girl who blamed everything on a girl who wasn't even there at the time...lol She was already in school at breakfast club....hahaha

We picked Ellie up from school and her class teacher had a word and said she was going to stop the bulling once and for all.....I could have hugged her! She said it has gone on for far too long and would be taking the nice children out of the class and having a chat with the horrible one's and the one's who can be easily led.

The nice kids were sent off with Ellie to the nursery so they could have some fun and a play and had firm words with the rest of the class....In her words she gave them a rollicking! Go her! She shouted, got angry and it just wasn't sinking in to some of the kids what bullying was like so she shared how she was bullied at school and it upset her so much. The kids took notice then.....From what she said they finally realised what they were doing.

All of last week Ellie came out of school saying how people were being nice to her, they were playing with her and not shouting at her. People who had always being nasty to her were including her.....

I saw it with my own eyes in the school yard each morning last week....Ellie was being included in conversations, invited to join in and she had the biggest smile on her face....The bullies were being nice to her! She chatted away....Walked around the yard with her peers and was a real part of the class.....

I am wary of the children who have just started being nice to Ellie... After being bullied myself at school I know how quickly things can change but so far so good....

There is still one girl that I keep hearing about but she doesn't single Ellie out she is just a nasty brat to everyone. They were making their Easter bonnets on Thursday and the girl was walking around just taking everyone's supplies that they had brought in from home saying "that's mine now"....I tried to defend her saying she might have some issues but no it turns out she is just a spoilt brat. A boy who sometimes walks home with Ellie told me this girls mother used to bully his mother in the school yard. Not when they were children but a few years ago....Like mother, like daughter.

Ellie's teacher has said she is going to have another chat with the majority of the class after the Easter holidays just to remind them to be nice but I really hope they don't need the talk....


  1. Wow, I wish I had had a teacher like that when I was in school, they didnt seem to take it seriously x

  2. It's really nice of the teacher to actually sit up and do something. I hope the change lasts....... how stressful for Ellie and yourself xx

    1. It really is. I could have hugged her.
      Thank you x

  3. Her teacher sounds like she is doing a great job trying to make it stop. I hope that things continue to be good after half term xx

    1. She really is...She has been fantastic.
      Thank you x

  4. Glad Ellie's teacher is taking it seriously and is determined to put a stop to it. Hopefully it'll do the trick. Fingers crossed!

    1. I really hope this is the end of it.
      Thank you x

  5. What a fantastic teacher Ellie has. So glad it is being taken seriously and things have improved x

  6. I'm so pleased for you all. The teacher sounds brilliant :)

  7. What a great teacher. Every school needs someone like this, and usually it's the head teacher and they are strong. Hope you have a great Easter holidays

  8. What a relief! The teacher has done a great job there. Let's hope it continues now. Like you, I would be wary of a child who had been a bully suddenly being nice.

    1. It is such a relief...I do hope it continues but the teacher is having another word with them after the holidays. Thank you x
